Night School Part One

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"Lock it, lock it!" my twin brother exclaimed in a hush whisper as the three of us all pushed against the main door of the school to keep it closed.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles snapped at his best friend in irritation as I tried to ignore the two of them long enough to think of a way to keep the door shut against the Alpha.

"Grab something!" I ordered them loudly as I continued to push on the door from the opposite side of Scott.

"What?" they both asked me in unison and I shook my head at them in agitation. As if we didn't have enough to deal with, I didn't need the two of them being idiots the entire time I was trying to survive a vicious attack by an Alpha werewolf.

"Anything!" I retorted back at them as we finally got the heavy door closed all the way and took a step back from it. I sighed in relief because my arms were starting to hurt from the pressure of holding the door closed for an extended length of time. I closed my eyes tightly as I put my head in my hands and took a couple of deep breaths to try to calm my heart rate down.

"No." I heard Scott say so I opened up my eyes in time to see Stiles looking out the tiny glass window at something outside the door.

"Yes." Stiles replied as he opened the door again and I watched with eyes wide with shock. I rushed to the window as he stepped outside and saw as he crept forward slowly to grab the fallen pliers that he had dropped earlier.

I fumbled for Scott hand without looking away from the scene outside the door and finally found his larger hand before grasping it tightly. I looked over to where Stiles light blue jeep was parked at the front of the school and felt my eyes widen when I spied the Alpha creeping out from behind it.

"Scott..." I whispered warningly and he turned to look at me in concern but I just silently pointed out the window at the huge black werewolf with red glowing eyes.

Scott's deep brown eyes widened as well as he started banging on the door from to get Stiles' attention. I started banging on the door as well when Stiles looked up from the ground towards the two of us and when we pointed behind him he turned to look directly at the massive creature galloping towards him. He grabbed the pliers in one hand and scrambled up towards the door and Scott opened it so that he could run through.

Scott slammed the door behind him and Stiles jammed the door with the pliers but I knew that it wouldn't be enough to hold the Alpha. We were all breathing heavily as we stood up to look out the tiny windows for any indication of where the Alpha went.

"Where is it? Where did it go?" Scott wondered out loud as I looked around the deserted parking lot out the window. When we couldn't see anything outside, I took a few steps back away from the door and the boys followed me. "That won't hold, will it?"

"Probably not." I said softly as I looked at the door in front of us before turning to meet my twin brother's worried gaze. I frowned slightly before turning around the looking at the vacant hallway of the school. Stiles turned on the flashlight that he still held in his hand and it illuminated the plain hallway so that we could see where we were going.

The night was silent except for our panicked heavy breathing until a howl ripped through the air and my eyes widened at the sound. Scott grabbed my hand in his as he pulled me with him down the hallway at a run with Stiles following behind us.

We turned into a classroom after a minute of running and Scott let go of my hand and I walked straight over to the window to see if I could see anything.

"The desk." Stiles said as both the boys ran over to the teacher's desk and started pushing it towards the door in order to block it.

"Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out." I stated as I walked over to the two of them and placed my hands on my hips.

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