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Meet me at 11 Houston St. at 5pm - Allie

I looked up at abandoned house in front of me and frowned in discomfort because something about the place was chilling my nerves.

When I had gotten the message from Allison I had gladly taken the excuse to leave home but now that I was standing there, I was feeling a little apprehensive. I slowly walked towards the front door to the house nervously as I listened and watched my surroundings carefully.

I stepped lightly onto the dilapidated front porch of the house and stopped just in front of the door. I raised my hand to knock on the door but just as I was about to touch the chipped off paint, the door swung open to reveal Allison standing on the other side.

I gasped in shock as the door suddenly opened and then pressed my hand to my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

"What the hell, Allison?" I swore at her through deep breath and she smiled at me sheepishly as she tried not to laugh. I smiled back at her a little as the adrenaline slowly left my body and I was able to get the humour in the moment.

"Sorry." She apologised to me with a small smile on her lips but I just waved my hand dismissively as she led me into the house. She grabbed my hand in hers before pulling me through the falling down house and out into the backyard.

Once we were outside I could see the makeshift shooting range and quirked a perfect eyebrow at Allie in question as I looked over at her. She grinned slightly as she continued to pull me further towards the targets that were placed strategically around the yard.

I looked around the yard until my gaze fell on a young woman in her mid-twenty with long honey coloured hair that was standing near a table with her back to us. Allison pulled me over towards the woman in question and woman paused in her movements to turn around so that she could greet us.

"Okay, so, Aunt Kate this is my friend, Sophie. Sophie, this is my Aunt Kate." Allison introduced me to the woman and I faked a bright smile at the woman because she was after all an Argent.

"Nice to meet you, Kate." I said to her as I stretched out a hand for her to shake in greeting.

"Nice to meet you too, Sophie. The last friend of Allison's that I met called me 'ma'am'. It was kind of insulting." Kate replied to my greeting as she put her hand in mine and I shook it firmly in my grasp. I laughed lightly at her comment before letting go of her hand and stepping back so that I was next to Allie.

"You're much too young to be a ma'am." I told her honestly as I delicately shrugged my shoulders at her. I glanced at her subtly as I took in her confident demeanour and the superior smirk that seemed to be a permanent fixture on her lips. Her pretty eyes seemed to hold both a playful edge and a sharpness that radiated control and authority.

"I like this girl." She said to Allison approvingly and I smirked to myself as Allie laughed lightly from next to me.

"So, what are we doing here?" I asked them curiously as I looked around at the makeshift shooting range that had been set up in the abandoned backyard.

"We are helping my darling niece get over her break up." Kate informed me as she turned her attention to whatever was on the table next to her.

"By shooting stuff?" I asked them in amusement as I walked over to join the two them at the table. I gaped at the arsenal that was spread out on top of the table.

There was everything from crossbows to knives to guns lying on the table top just waiting for someone to pick them up. I eyed one of the guns appreciatively before turning my gaze back to the older woman who was next to me watching with a raised eyebrow as I looked over the impressive collection.

Rising Moon: Entry | Teen Wolf ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now