1# How You First Met

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You were interning at the hospital for the summer (your mom wanted you to do whatever you could to make your college resume look better). Your boss, Mrs. McCall was with patients today, and she had left you in charge of answering the phones at the front desk where she usually worked. Nothing was really happening, as per usual. Until around lunch time.

"MRS. M! MRS. M!" you heard a somewhat familiar voice calling from around the corner in the hall. In ran Stiles Stilinski, the boy you'd had classes with since kindergarten, but had never really gotten to know. He skidded to a halt in front of the desk before looking up.

"Mrs. M, Scott wanted to know if-" he cut off mid-sentence.

"I, uh... s-sorry... Um.. hi! I'm Stiles," he stuttered. You giggled at how flustered he was all of a sudden.

"Hi there, Stiles, I'm (y/n). Yeah I think we've had some classes together. Every year. Since I can remember." you told him awkwardly.

"Well, uh, I'm sorry we've never talked before... really.... um... well I.... I should... do you- would you..." He couldn't seem to find the right words to make a proper sentence. You just laughed and got some sticky notes out of the drawer next to you. You scribbled down your number and handed it to Stiles, who had finally seemed to regain composure.

"I'd love to," you told him as he took it and distractedly walked out of the hospital, seeming to forget why he was there in the first place.


You finished getting your books out of your locker and shut the door. Turning around, you smacked right into Scott McCall. Of course, you thought to yourself. Of course it's the hottest guy in school. You apologized profusely, bending down to pick up your books, which were now all over the floor.

"Hey, it's totally fine," Scott reassured you as he reached down to help you up. You couldn't help but blush as he took your hand and pulled you up, a little too hard, and you crashed into his chest. "I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz,"

you laughed and turned to go to class.

"Hey, wait!" You looked back, and now he looked a little nervous.

"Would you want to have lunch with me later?" He asked. You bit your lip and nodded, flashing a smile. He grinned wide, and you ran back up to him to give him your phone number. Once you had exchanged information and made a plan to meet up, you winked and walked towards class once more, leaving Scott there with a huge smile on his face.


You were talking to your regular group of friends; Allison, Lydia, Scott, and Stiles. Suddenly, a guy you'd never met before walked up and greeted Scott with a high-five and a joke. His eyes met yours for a moment, and then he said quietly,

"Scott? Want to introduce me to your friend?" You blushed brightly and flashed a small smile. You told him your name, and he moved closer to talk to you while the others looked on, amused. Stiles and Scott bumped fists, as if they'd been expecting this kind of interaction between you and Isaac. Eventually they left the two of you alone, but neither of you noticed. You were too caught up in each other to pay attention to anyone else.


It was the end of another day in hell, or as some call it, school. Erica had been taunting you relentlessly, and you were so done with it.

"(Y/n), you can't just keep taking crap from her, you need to stick up for yourself," Lydia was saying as you angrily shoved books into your locker.

"You know what? You're right." You slammed the locker shut and the two of you stormed out the front doors of the school just in time to see Erica slide into a black car.

"ERICA!" you yelled out, but paused suddenly. She leaned forward expectantly, waiting for you to say something, but you were frozen. Sitting next to her was the most gorgeous guy you'd ever seen, and his expression clearly told you that he felt the same way about you. After a moment, the two of them drove off, leaving you annoyed and determined; both to stand up to Erica, and to find out more about that guy.

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