11# He's the bad boy and you're the nerd

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(Scott's POV)

There she is. The beautiful nerd. The girl I'm inlove with.

I'm the bad boy of the school and every guy is afraid of me and every girl wants me. Well almost every girl, the only girl that doesn't want me is the nerd. The one person that I want to like me. She wont give me the light of day.

"Sup babe!" I said leaning on the lockers next to hers.

She looked over at me and rolled her eyes. She grabbed her books heading the other way.

"Hey wait!" I called running after her.

"What do you want?" She stopped and turned towards me.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I don't hate you! I just don't like how you act like every girl likes you when clearly they don't!" She admitted turning back around and walked away again.

"The one I want to like me doesn't!" admitted.

"Well that's too bad!" She said walking closer to the door.

"Come on just give me a chance!" I called stopping her

She turned around and pulled those glasses off. They make her adorable, yet she would look just as cute without them.

"What about the girl that you like? Is this some way to make her jealous? Cause guess what, I'm not helping you get another girl!" She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Why not?" I asked smirking. "You jealous?"

"As if!" She said quickly turning red.

"Well I think you are jealous!" I stated biting my lip chuckling a little.

"I'm not jealous! You're just mad that I don't want to go out with you!" She said moving her hair out of her face looking at the floor.

"Well maybe I am! But prove you're not jealous. If you're not jealous then kiss Aiden!" I said knowing she despises him.

Her face turned shocked and she looked around like she was hoping he wasn't around. When he walked past me and got closer to her she bit her lip calling his name.

No! She wasn't going to actually kiss him was she? I heard her heart speed up and her breath became heavy. She walked up to him, pulling his face down towards hers and pressing her lips to his.

My eyes flashed blue and my teeth grew. I was pissed. He relaxed into the kiss and pulled her closer. This was lasting to long. I went up to them to jerking him and punched him in the jaw. He fell and I turned towards (Y/N) glaring at her.

"Told you I wasn't jealous! You're the one that jealous!" She said smirking.

I pulled her to me, making her slam into my chest and smashed my lips onto hers. She was shocked but she kissed me back with more force then I thought she would!

Once I pulled away she looked up at me and blushed. She smiled and stood on her tip toes and presses her lips to my cheek.

"Pick me up at 8!" She smiled turning and walking away.

I smiled and did a little happy dance after making sure she wouldn't see me.


"So are you losers going to get in the way again?" I heard around the corner.

I rolled my eyes knowing it was Issac. He is the bad boy and I'm the nerd. Yea it sucks! He's a hot bad ass that does whatever he wants and I'm a geeky nerd that stays at home on the weekends.

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