9# Beside a campfire

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"Ahh! Oh god! It's everywhere! Help! Hey, help me!" Stiles cries as he waves his hands around, fingers coated in sticky, gooey, melted marshmallow. The marshmallow he had been attempting to hold and put on his graham cracker is on the ground, now covered in grass and dirt.

"Seriously! How do you even... What happened here?" he continues to yell out. You giggle and come to sit beside him in the lawn chairs.

"Have you never made a s'more or what?" you ask as you reach for the wet napkins you brought from the kitchen. You grab one of his wrists and start to wipe down one of his hands.

"Of course I have!" he shouts out, offended at the very idea. "Just not in a long time! I don't remember it being this difficult." He's pouting just slightly.

"You don't grab the marshmallow with your hands," you tell him, still wiping off his fingers. "You put the graham crackers over it and use them to pull it off the stick."

"Oh... I knew that." You laugh and shake your head at him. His eyes sparkle in the firelight and you can't help but stare at him a little. He gets a little flustered and a blush rises up his neck that you know he'll blame on the heat of the fire. "I think that hand's clean," he tells you.

"Other hand," you command and hold out your palm. He places his other wrist in it. Instead of using another wet napkin, you bring his hand up and while he looks at you confused for a moment, he doesn't pull away.

You quickly take one of his fingers into your mouth and suck hard around it. You use your tongue to take off most of the marshmallow. It tastes sweet and smoky from the fire. Stiles' mouth flops open and closed as you slowly pull back.

"That... uhhh. That's one way to do it I guess..." You laugh as he stumbles over his words, his blush rising up a little higher.

"Want another marshmallow?" you ask.

"Yes please!"


"Are you sure that's a good idea?" you ask as Scott goes to grab more wood and lighter fluid. He smiles over his shoulder as he picks up a handful of twigs in one hand and a log in the other.

"It's already pretty high, don't you think?" You look back to the fire which already has flames licking as high as your shoulders.

"Where's your sense of adventure?" Scott laughs as he throws both the log and twigs onto the toppling pile, making orange sparks flutter frantically upwards towards the dark sky above you.

"It's back in the city with the supernatural creatures everywhere," you tell him. You've come out into an open clearing just outside of Beacon Hills for a little relaxing date. You built a makeshift firepit of stones and rocks and started a fire at sunset which just kept slowly growing and reaching higher.

"It'll be fine!" He continues to laugh as he reaches for the bottle of lighter fluid. You take a step backwards and then another for good measure.

The smile still on his face, he points the nozzle at the fire and squeezes the bottle. Instantly, the entire pit flares up, flames flying well over your heads and little stray sparks and burning bark branching out in all directions. Scott stops squeezing the bottle and flails as the flames widen and come out towards him. He throws his arms over his face and quickly backsteps, tripping on a rock. With a slight scream, he falls to the ground.

You can't stop yourself from laughing heavily as you walk up to him, the flames slowly starting to come back down. You crouch down next to him, not even holding back your wide smile.

"Is this the part where I say that I told you so?" He shakes his head, laughing at himself and reaches up to pull you down for a kiss.


The first time you guys went to a bonfire, Isaac not only sat by you, but made the effort to pick up the lawn chair out of the mud and grass and place it directly next to you so that the arm rests were touching.

The second time, there were no chairs to be seen and everyone sat in the grass. Again, he sat right next to you, your sides bumping into each other. By the end of the night, you were practically curled into his side with him leaning back, his hand flat on the ground behind you. You were leaning into his shoulder as you laughed and talked with everyone.

The third time, it was a smaller group of people, very quiet, and it was cold. Winter was quickly rolling in, trampling over the fall weather. You stood very close to the fire, trying to absorb its heat, but no matter what, there was always one side of you that was cold. Unless you jumped into the fire, and that was actually starting to sound like a good idea, you couldn't keep your whole body warm. Isaac noticed and came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him, warming your back. You stayed like that until you had to go home.

You notice the pattern. You don't know why, but he always has to be touching you, near you, if not holding you while you're around a fire. It's strange, but you're certainly not going to complain. It's kind of nice and a touch romantic. You start to light fires whenever you can when he's over, just so that he puts his arms around you and everything mellows out. It's peaceful and warming. You both agree a campfire makes for the perfect date.


Derek is very open around a campfire. It's the one time when you can ask him just about anything and he'll answer. You know it's because of his family's fire. Flames barreling into the sky makes him sad and somber, reopens old wounds, and when he's like that, there's no reason for him to put up a wall. You don't really like seeing him that way. It's kind of like a manipulation. If you want something out of him, just sit him in front of a fire for a while until he gets depressed and he'll tell you everything. It's cruel. So you avoid it.

But there's one night when you're out in the woods at night, trapped and hiding from a creature and you have no choice but to light one to keep warm. You catch him just staring at the flames, this blank, sad look hanging on his face. You don't want to ask, but you can't help it.

"What are you thinking?" The question slips from your mouth and you cringe at yourself. There's a long pause and you think he's not going to answer for a moment.

"I don't want to get you hurt." It's not a whisper, but close to it. Your heart aches for him a little bit. "Everything is my fault and if you get hurt..." he trails off. You scoot closer to him and kiss his stubble covered cheek.

"I won't," you reassure him. "I'll be just fine. Look at me." He turns his head to look at you, but his eyes linger on the fire. "Derek." He looks at you. "It's not your fault." He lowers his eyes and you sweep forward to press your lips to his, your hands coming up to his neck.

"I don't want to lose you too." He kisses you. You grab his hands and put them on your waist.

"I'm right here. Now hold me until we can get out of here." He doesn't even hesitate to pull you close to him.

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