20# Secret Tattoo

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 The sun and the moon on your hand wouldn’t make much sense to anyone who didn’t know the full extent of your life with your boyfriend and the rest of the pack. Because of that, you decided to spontaneously drive yourself to the Beacon Hills Tattoo Parlor and get the small symbols without mentioning it to anyone.

Derek had noticed the bandaging on your fingers later the next day, and you told him about the tattoos, and how they represented the pack—

Allison, Kira, Lydia, Stiles and yourself as the sun, always staying in the same form regardless of the sky’s brightness,

and Scott, Isaac, Derek, and Malia in the moon, which contained the ability to change then simply by being itself. Having marks on yourself to honor those who meant the most to you, those you’d do anything for, was something you loved, and knew you’d never regret.


Just above your collarbone were the words ‘just live a little.’ It was one of the first things you remembered Isaac saying to you, back when he was still under the control of Derek. You’d been trying to convince him to stay away from Lydia, that if he cleaned up his act he would have a chance to join Scott’s pack.

He’d refused, though, telling you about how much better he thought Derek was as an alpha. Slowly, he began to shift his alliances over to Scott, getting closer and closer to you until you finally became an official couple. He’d said the phrase to you a few months later when discussing the possibility of the whole pack getting tattoos, now in much more of a playful way, his arm around your shoulders as he grinned down at you with a familiar shine in his eyes.

As soon as he spoke the words, something in you said that they’d look perfect in black ink just below the protruding bone. So when Isaac dropped you off at home later on, you easily convinced your dad to bring you to get it done. Isaac didn’t notice it until almost two weeks later when you changed in front of him, and even then, his only response was that same grin, and that same proud glint in his eye.


You and Scott had been through a lot together. You were there before he was turned, having been best friends with he and Stiles when everything began. You helped him through it, being his rock through the whole thing. All three of you knew that you and Scott had feelings for each other, but no one besides Stiles had the balls and mindset to say something about it, which eventually led to you both admitting your feelings and becoming a couple.

Things went downhill when Matt nearly had the Kanima kill you, though, and it was one of the worse memories you had out of all your supernatural experiences. You remembered calling hoarsely for Scott as Jackson tauntingly pressed a claw into your arm, dragging it down as blood trailed with it. You made it out alive, though, obtaining a scar after a few weeks. Your mind had been scarred over the months, too, and the only method of healing you had was Scott. He became your rock just as you were his, to the point where you needed to remind yourself of how grateful you were.

After coming up with the phrase ‘scars will heal soon,’ you headed to the town’s tattoo parlor and got it placed on your arm where the scar ended. This life was certainly complicated, but with the help of your boyfriend and the pack, you were sure you’d make it through okay.


An arrow. In honor of Allison. She’d been your best friend ever since she arrived in Beacon Hills, and then she was gone. For Stiles’s sake, you tried to control your feelings about the young girl’s death, but you needed some way to prove how much she meant to you without saying so.

The best thing you could come up with was a tattoo, but you knew your parents would never allow it and you weren’t too sure how Stiles would feel about it. Because of that, you went to Derek, who agreed to ink the small arrow on your foot after a reasonable amount of convincing. You never thought you’d have a secret with Derek Hale, but you trusted him to understand the complication of your loss, which he somehow did very well until you gained the confidence to tell Stiles, who doubtlessly supported and loved the tattoo.

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