10# He's Ticklish

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He’d been poking your sides all day. It wasn’t consistent either. He would show up at your locker and lightly poke your side but then walk you to class without assault. By lunch, you were completely over it.

“Stiles, knock it off,” you groaned. “Nah,” he chuckled. Glaring at him from the corner of your eye, you figured two could play at that game.

As everyone was standing to go to class, you pinched his side and he squealed like a little girl. Repeating the action, he squealed louder and put his hands in the air.  

“No! Okay, I’ll stop,” he jumped away. “Nah,” you smirked heading to class.


“Babe! Can you get me a blanket?” Scott called out. You were in the kitchen, making lunch, and he was laying on the couch.

“Somebody’s lazy,” you muttered but got him a blanket from the hall closet anyway.

“I heard that.”

“I’m sure you did,” you said, stroking his cheek. He scrunched his nose and leaned away,

“Stop, that tickles,” he groaned. Smirking, you went to go finish making lunch. When you finished, you brought his food out to him, only to stroke his cheek before handing it to him.

“Here, Babe,” you laughed as he twisted from your touch.


 After dealing with the Alpha Pack and Deucalion, he wanted to spend the night with you. He wanted to be able to just sleep next to you and not have to worry about everyone’s safety. It was about five in the morning, when he rolled out of your bed and started to leave.

“Der?” you asked sleepily. Reaching out, you tried to grab onto him, but grazed the back of his knee. He jumped and let out a small laugh.

“I was going to leave before your parents woke up,” he explained.

“No, don’t,” you said reaching out for him again.

“Tickling me isn’t going to help your case,” he smirked and got back into bed with you.


Saturdays were your days spent together. You guys would usually go to the gym and then have the rest of the day to yourselves, but today Isaac was too tired after a fight with the Alphas the night before.

“Babe, can we wa-” you went to say when you realized he was sound asleep with his hands above his head. It was nearly noon, and you wanted to hang out with him, so as you tried waking him up you ran your hands along his arms.

“’Saac, wake up. Isaac, wakey wakey,” you smiled. He shifted, but was still asleep so you just continued to trace his arms with your fingers.

“Mmm, stop. Tickles.” Groaning, he slapped at your fingers.

“Wake up then, ya bum,” you smiled.

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