32# Magic Eyes

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He knew. From the moment he met you, Derek knew you were supernatural. Due to your rare ability to mask your lycanthropy, though, he wasn’t sure what. You could hide what you were specifically, but he’d always be able to sense that you were something. It wasn’t until the pack really needed you that you revealed that you were simply a werewolf, like most of them were.

“Y/N,” Derek had said to you in the beginning of the phone call.

“I know there has to be a reason for you hiding whatever you are from us, from me, but if there’s anything you could possibly do to help right now it would be very appreciated.” Little did he know, you were already on your way over, thanks to Stiles’s emergency text.

Before responding, you slid open the loft door, taking your phone away from your ear and making direct eye contact with Derek.

“I only hid it because for a while I thought I’d seem a little different,” you admitted, finally letting your true eye color take over.

“But now that I know I’m not alone, why don’t you tell me whose ass we’re kicking?”


It had taken a while for the pack to realize that you were, too, supernatural. You hadn’t known it yourself until Deaton had pointed it out to you one night while you discussed a problem with Scott during his shift. The title of a lammasu was quite odd to you, since you hadn’t even heard it before your best friend’s boss and the pack’s emissary mentioned it you. Once he mentioned the word, though, your eyes began to do a peculiar thing— they turned light gray whenever you sensed something or someone less than innocent, and whenever you felt strongly about a piece of advice you gave.

It was how the pack knew about Lydia not being the Kanima a few months ago, and it was how they knew when Isaac’s alliance began to shift from Derek to Scott. The two of you grew close once he began to make some positive changes, and you were probably the only reason he didn’t leave when people started dying again. You’d advised him that going out into the world on his own wasn’t too good of an idea, and because he knew your specialty was the safety and welfare of those you cared for, he stayed.

It wasn’t only that, though. No matter how much he denied himself from admitting it, Isaac knew that there was something about you. Something that made you important and special enough to stay with, and something he wasn’t about to throw away.


“So what is she?” Liam whispered to Lydia.

He was attending his first official pack meeting, and he was finally figuring out who and what everyone was to the fullest extent. He was learning quickly for the most part, but no one had explained what made you so special besides the fact that you were the youngest member of the pack.

“I’m an imp,” you said lightly, smiling at him.

Liam was obviously surprised that you’d been able to hear him, and your older friends chuckled at the interaction.

“She’s one of the last alive,” Derek added. “What’s an imp?” Malia questioned.

She knew about you, but since you usually worked with Stiles and Lydia while the rest of the pack fought, she wasn’t clear on what you really did.

“Y/N is basically a supernatural version of me,” Stiles summarized, smiling at Malia, then you.

You turned back to Liam, ready to explain things more seriously.

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