15# He's Drunk

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You sighed at the wreck that used to be Derek’s loft. The pack had thrown a victory party and knowing how much Derek needed to let loose after months and months of fighting alphas and betas and japanese anime voodoo shit coming to life, you let him drink a little more than he does, causing him to get a little more drunk than he usually does. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to Derek, who was half passed out on the floor, right next to the cooler that contained all the alcohol.

"Babe?" you whispered as you lightly slapped his cheeks to bring him back to consciousness.

"C’mon, let’s go upstairs." you slapped him again and tugged on his arms hard, making him jolt right up.

"Who are you?" he slurred. 

"Your girlfriend." you rolled your eyes. "Now come on!" you tugged on his arms harder.

"No, you’re not." he murmured, eyes still closed. "(y/n)’s my girlfriend." he stated. "And she’s going kick your ass when she sees you touching me" 

"Yes, yes she will. Come on, babe." you rolled your eyes but a smile appeared. 

"No! I’m not going to c-cheat on her!" he stuttered as he curled up in a ball. 

"You’re not cheating on her, I’m just trying to get you to your room." you mused.

"B-but I love her." he murmured sadly, getting up anyways and allowing you to take his arm around your neck to help him. You saw that his eyes were glazed over.

"I know, I know." 

"And she loves me." he frowned.

"Yes, I know that too." 

"Do you really think she loves me?" his tone became depressing as he walked up the stairs with you.

"Of course she does." your eyes widened. "Why would you think she doesn’t?" you asked as you opened the door to his room.

"Well, she’s beautiful, and kind, and smart, and she gets moody too but she still manages to keep me in check." he explained as you tucked him in. "I don’t deserve her." he murmured sleepily, followed by a yawn.

"Goodnight, Derek." you smiled. 

"Goodnight, (y/n)."


"You look sexy tonight." Isaac drew out in your ear, the hint of alcohol mixed with his normally minty breath was in the air that was slightly mixed with the smoke coming from some stupid smoke machine Greenberg had rented. 

"Thanks, Isaac." your voice was monotone as you rolled your eyes, knowing that Isaac was now fully hammered. 

And the award goes to Greenberg for being able to get a werewolf drunk. 

"No, really, I meant it." he whispered, his voice sometimes disappearing as the hardcore club music muted him. 

"Uhuh." you dismissed as your eyes scanned the mayhem that is supposedly

the party of the year’.

 You hated going to parties with Isaac. He’d get clingy and the only time Isaac gets clingy is when he wants cuddles or food and quite frankly, you weren’t in the mood for either of those things. You just wanted to go home and sleep.

"(yyyy/nnn)…" he whined in your ear, his arms getting tangled around your waist. 

"What now, Isaac?" you groaned, getting annoyed. Once he heard your annoyed tone, he peppered your neck with little kisses. In his drunken mind, it was calming you down. In the sober reality, you were trying to get out of his suffocating grip.

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