14# Your his sister and you have a crush on one of his pack memebers

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"Hey Stiles!" I said smiling. I'm in a good mood.

I woke up in a good mood and to top it off I get to see my crush first thing at school. My smile suddenly fell and my mood saddened.

"Oh My Gosh (Y/N) you're so annoying. Just leave me alone for Gods sake!" He snapped and stepped away from his locker.

I sucked in a breath to stop the tears from coming. His face fell and he realized what he said. I turned around and walked away.

"Wait. (Y/N). I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Stiles said stepping forward but stopping when he realized that I wasn't going to turn back around.

One tear fell and I quickly wiped it away before anyone saw. I made it to English III and sat next to the twins like every other day. Aiden looked over towards me and leaned over.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asked in a sincere voice.

"Like you care!" I snapped not really meaning to be so harsh.

"Whoa I'm sorry. But really what's wrong?" He said still leaned over.

"Stiles said I was annoying!" I told him not really caring how stupid I sound.

"And his opinion matters why?" He said raising his eyebrow in confusion.

"Because it just does!" I told him

"Oh I see. You're crushing on him! Want to make him jealous?" He smirked.

I looked over at him and tilted my head a little bit. I gave him a look meaning to keep going.

"We can pretend to date and when he sees us acting all lovey dovey he will realize that he likes you and tell you!" He told me crossing his arms looking back to the front if the room where Ms. Blake was starting to teach.

I thought about it and smirked when Stiles walked by giving me a look as in saying he's sorry. I then thought about Issac.

"What about Issac?" I asked

"What about him?" He asked

"He's my brother!" I told him

"So!" He said shrugging his shoulders.

I then began to think of the ways Stiles and/or Issac would do. Oh well.

"Ok done!" I agreed.

"Good!" He smirked.

"Aiden, (Y/N) got anything you want to share with the class?" Ms. Blake called us out.

"Nope just saying that I Love My Girlfriend!" He said smirking looking in my direction.

I smiled when I heard Stiles gasp along with the rest of the class. I smirked, I think I will like what outcome this has.

Aiden held his hand out for me to grab and I did. Our hands hooked hanging in-between the walk way between us.

I could mentally feel Stiles' glare at the both of our hands. It's working.

Throughout the whole class Aiden kept looking over at me smiling and winking making me smile. He was good at this.

The bell rung and we got up hands still hooked and walked out of the class. I pulled his hand over my head and around my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled causing him to wink.

-At the end of the day-

Me and Aiden was standing by my locker waiting for Stiles to see us but not making it obvious. We were talking and laughing waiting on him. Once Aiden saw him he leaned down and whispered,

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