19# First Kiss

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You and Scott were very close friends and you came to watch his lacrosse game. As you got there you sat down at the cold bleachers. Scott was on the field  warming up passing the ball to Stiles. The game started and it was intense you were at the edge of your seat cheering for Scott.

It was the last period and they were tied 5-5 with 10 seconds left on the clock Isaac passed it to Scott and he was running to the opposite team’s goal. Scott jumped over someone and threw the lacrosse ball into the net and the buzzer did it’s usual sound that indicates the games over. I ran over to Scott and hugged him congratulating him on his big win. He twirled me around and then kissed me. It was unbelievable. He was so gentle and sweet.


You were best friends with Scott so he took you to meet Derek. It was very awkward because you could just tell he didn’t like you. He always made rude comments to you. About a month later you were forced to see Derek again. It was going okay considering what usaully happens. Then he made one snide remark and told me I looked ugly today.

I left the room and didn’t say anything. Once  i got outside i started crying and I heard Scott yelling at Derek from outside. A few minutes later i heard Derek come outside and he apologized. I glared at him in response.

“Y/n I’m really sorry i messed everything up you know. The only reason I’m mean to you is because i really like you.” And with that he kissed he a real kiss too like he was trying to make up for what he said earlier. He then asked me if i would be his girlfriend. I said yes smiling.


Stiles and you were dating for about a week but you liked him ever since 7th grade. He walked you home from your third date. You had such a good time with him. When you got to your doorstep he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and kissed you. It was a nice surprising.


You and Isaac weren’t dating but he asked you to prom you gladly accepted and wore a beautiful pink dress. Isaac told you how pretty you looked and you headed off to prom.

You guys knew each other so it wasn’t awkward at all. You guys arrived at prom and danced the whole night. Finally a slow song came on and you guys slow danced. And at the end of the dance Isaac kissed you it was the most cutest moment ever considering it was your first kiss.

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