34# Best Friends And Feelings

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Your head whipped around in a semi- circle, catching glaces of the snarling Beserkers. You had lost Liam and Scott somewhere in the building, but somehow all three of the Beserkers found you, huddled in a small, dark room.

The stepped closer to you, surrounding you. You knew there was no chance, you were completely human, no super powers to help you out. The first hit came from the one to the right, the second from the one in the middle, the third from the left, the one closest to the door. You stepped closer to the left, trying to edge towards the door. If you were closer, maybe Scott could hear your pleas.

Hit after hit burned your skin, pain in the most extreme squeezed inside every inch of your body. After awhile, the pitch black of the room darkened, and you were left to your own thoughts.

"Y/N? Y/N? Please, wake up." Wetness touched your cheeks, were you crying? Why? You tried to move your arm to wipe away the tear, pain immediately shot up your whole body as you gasped, your eyes flying open.

The bruises underneath your eye reminding you of the pain.

"Oh god." You looked up to find Scott there, gripping you in his arms, more tears dripping off his face onto yours.

"Thank you. Oh, you’re awake, oh god thank you. I love you Y/N."

You struggled to keep your eyes open, to reply to Scott, but they shut on their own accord, surrounding you in black again.

The beeping beside you was irritating, all you wanted was for it to stop, but you had no idea where you were. You felt pain, but it was less intense now, only the slight sting every now again.

"This sucks." Was the first thing to come out of your mouth.

"I’m sorry." You noticed Scott beside the bed, his eyes staring back into your own.

"I’m sorry I let this happen to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I’m sorry that I can’t be your best friend, because I love you. I’m sorry you ever knew me. I’m sorry."

"Scott, stop. You’re making my head hurt." You whined squeezing your eyes closed. "I love you too, idiot. Please, stop apologizing, I shouldn’t have let you and Liam walk so far away from me."


Malia this, Malia that. Malia is so perfect. I’m so glad Malia forgave me. Malia. Malia. Malia. SHUT UP.

Before Malia came, it was Lydia, and you were always left in the dust, smoothing the dirt away from you every time, sucking up your own dull pain.

The throb in your heart had always been too much. So now, when you sat in the lunch room all alone, alone in your thoughts, your deepest fears crept up on you, swirling around you.

"Hey, Y/N." Stiles sighed, sliding into the vacant seat beside you. "Malia broke up with me for good today." He said.

"Shut up, Stiles." You replied, poking at the small portion of pasta in front of you.


"I said shut up, I don’t care about your problems with Malia anymore. Tomorrow morning you’ll wake up and she’ll be right there, cuddled up beside you in your bed." You snapped, standing up and tossing your tray in the trash, storming out of the cafeteria.

"Y/N! Wait! Hey, c’mon, let me talk to you!" Stiles finally caught up to you, gripping onto your arm so you couldn’t get away. "I was trying to talk to you."

"I know, and I answered."

"I was trying to tell you that Malia broke up with me today because I realized that I love you too much to be with anyone that isn’t you."

You blinked once, twice, thrice, before you finally realized what was said. “Stop being stupid and kiss each other already.” Malia snapped. Stiles rolled his eyes before pulling you to him.


Braedon was always around now, every time you went to Derek’s loft to watch a movie. It was sad really, how you’d always been there for Derek, but all these new, pretty girls swept in and stole him away from you in seconds.

"Hey, Y/N." Derek called, entering your apartment, where you were huddled under a blanket, sobbing to yourself.

Your cries stopped immediately, afraid Derek would hear you. The only good thing about Derek losing his werewolf powers is that he wouldn’t be able to hear you in your room, which hopefully meant he would leave you to your misery.

The door opened almost silently, and you didn’t hear it, so when you turned, Derek stood there, arms crossed, an upset look on his face.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, sitting beside you on the bed.

"Leave me alone, please." Your voice was hoarse as you spoke.

"I would never leave you alone, Y/N. Never."

"You already have, with Kate, with Jennifer, with Braedon. With everyone. You always leave me alone, Derek, always."

 ”Would you believe me if I said that I was with them to get rid of my thoughts about you?” And after the kiss he gave you, you really didn’t ever doubt that statement.


You’ve been friends with Liam since second grade. You started dating Brett this year, begging Liam to get along with him when the three of you would be alone together.

Brett wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, but nobody really ever was though.

"Y/N, I wish you wouldn’t be with him. It’s not fair that you’re dating someone that everyone knows hates me. We’ve been friends so long that you should respect me and break up with him.” Liam complained, gripping your hand in his own.

"You should respect me and my decision to pick a boyfriend on my own, Liam." The truth was, you and Brett broke up the previous night, but Liam was truthfully making you so angry about this, because these complaints haven’t been discarded from the last time he didn’t like your boyfriend. Any of them, really.

"I do respect you, I just wish you would date someone who could love you and take care of you always. Like me." At first, you didn’t really understand the last part. Staring at him for several minutes, confused about what he said.

And then it clicked and you laughed. You laughed until tears were streaming down your face in rivers, and the kiss you planted on Liam’s lips was so salty,  you had to pull away from one another to wipe the saltiness away before leaning back in.

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