27# He cheats on you -Part 1-

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Today was a bad day. Your car wouldn't start, someone walked into you which caused your coffee to spill down your new shirt and you had a 10 page essay to write in English class. You walked into the school building, hoping to be greeted by Scott who usually waited for you by your locker, but he wasn't there today. You sighed in fustration and flung your locker open, throwing your books inside, slamming the door shut again. You turned on your heel only to collide into someone's chest. You fell on your butt and felt like crying. You looked up and saw Isaac, your best friend.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." He said, offering an arm to pull you up. You declined and pushed yourself up on your back.

"Its fine." You grumbled.

"Hey now," Isaac began, "What's wong?" He pocked your cheeks.

"I'm having a bad day." You pouted, tears stinging the back of your eyes.

"Awh baby." Isaac replied, hugging you. You silently sobbed into his jacket while he rubbed your back lovingly.

"I gotta go now princess. I'll see you later, yeah?" He smiled at you.

You nodded as Isaac walked away from you. As Isaac walked down the hallway, Scott appeared by his side.

"Did you tell her?" Scott asked frantically.

"Tell her what, Scott? That I caught you and Alison making out in the locker room? Isaac replied sarcastically,

"No. But if you don't tell her, I will." Isaac left the alpha behind and walked off cooly. Scott sighed and pulled his hair in anger.

After school, you planned to go home and have a bubble bath to relax yourself. As you fumbled for your house key in your bag, you heard Isaac call your name.


"Oh hey Isaac. What's up?" You asked, opening your front door and inviting Isaac in.

"I think you might want to sit down..." He rubbed the back of his neck.

You sat on your couch and Isaac sat on the coffee table in front of your feet. He grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes.

"Isaac..." You whispered.

"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you. You're not gonna like it, but I think it's best you here it from me; befroe rumors start spreading." Isaac said.

"What? Tell me." You commanded. Isaac huffed and ran a hand through hsi hair.

"The other day I went to the locker room..." He began.

"And what? Had a shower?" You laughed.

"Y/N." Isaac said sternly, you stopped laughing, this was serious. "I went into the locker room and saw Scott making out eith Alison." Your faced dropped.

How could this get any worse? You though. You buried your face in your hands, letting a few tears slip from your eyes.

"I'm sorry baby." Isaac pulled into his chest.

"What did I do wrong Isaac?" You sobbed.

"Nothing baby, ot's all Scott's fault, Not yours. Not one but." Isaac reassured, pressing a kiss to your temple.


A few days ago, you and Stiles had an argument about how he never makes time for you, and it make you upset. Since then you and Syiles hadn't talked to each other, you tried to advoid him and ignored his calls and texts. At school, you hung around Lydia and Alison all day, not even acknowledging Stiles' existence that day. You walked passed him in the hall and didn't even look at him.

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