12# You get detention

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Isaac wasn't really the type of person who got into fights, well at school that is... Earlier that day you and Isaac were sitting in class and you were called down to the office to pick something up. As you walked towards the front, one of the guys who seemed to not get the hint that you and Isaac were dating, whistled and made a comment about your ass, you told him off, and if looks could kill he would be 6ft under from the glare Isaac was giving him, but he just kept bugging you.

Eventually Isaac snapped and so the fight began. About ten minutes and two detention slips later, you found yourselves sitting in detention. But you didn't mind, after all he was defending you, and nobody was seriously hurt so you didn't mind that at all.


"Hurry this way, but be quiet." Scott whispered to you as you made your way down the hall about 10 minutes before the lunch bell rang. The two of you had ditched school in the morning, and were now trying to sneak in for lunch.

"Mr. McCall Ms.(Y/L/N) What do you think you two are doing?" Busted. You turned around to see (Y/T/N) standing behind you. You opened your mouth to reply but were cut off with a detention slip.

"I will see the two of you after school! Now get to class!" Once (Y/T/N) was out of ear shot, the two of you busted out laughing.


Stiles was a very sarcastic person, and sometimes his sarcasm landed you both in detention. Like today, you were both sitting in class talking quietly when (Y/T/N) asked if you had something to share with the class. Stiles couldn't help it and ended up saying this

"Oh yeah, sure we were just discussing how we couldn't wait to get out of this class, it's so boring, watching paint dry is more exciting." The look on your teachers face was priceless and you both busted out laughing along with most of the class. You both ended up with two detention slips, but you didn't care you were too busy laughing.


Even though Derek didn't go to your school he always stopped by when he had time to see you. You were walking towards your next class when you saw Derek, so you stopped walking to talk to him for a bit. You both ended up kissing and you didn't hear the bell go. A tap on your shoulder brought you both out of the kiss to come face to face with your teacher, who looked really mad and a detention slip.

"Ms. (Y/L/N) may I ask why you aren't in class and are showing excessive PDA in the hallway?" You looked nervously to Derek, who just stood there stone faced,

"Um, sorry sir it wont happen again." You told him before running to your class, shouting a quick see you later to Derek over your shoulder.

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