18# Best friends that live normally together, run with wolves together

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 Lydia.  Originally, you hadn’t been big fans of each other. You knew Isaac had been rejected by her before, which irked you big time, but you were also aware of Stiles’s feelings for the popular girl and didn’t appreciate how she treated him.

As soon as the pack began really forming, though, you were forced to spend more and more time with Lydia. Somehow, the two of you ended up best friends. You were very different, almost polar opposites, but you balanced each other out in a way. This shone through on a trip to LA between the two of you, Isaac, Scott, and Stiles. She’d convinced you to get into a bikini and allow her to do your hair.

“I’m putting on a hat, Lyd,” you’d insisted when she finished. “And since I let you do my hair and make me wear a bikini, you are too.” She’d scoffed lightly.

“Hun, I knew you were going to put one on the second I started, and I’ll allow you to choose mine, but I will not wear one of those god-awful baseball caps you wear. They work on you, not me.” Eventually you settled on a large floppy hat for Lydia and a denim cap for you, and left the house and began the ride, arriving at the beach after about an hour long drive in Stiles’s Jeep.

You’d warned her before leaving that you’d be teaching her how to do your favorite beach activities when you got there, so Lydia insisted that Stiles snap a girly picture of you both holding up white flowers you found in the roots growing just before the beach began.

“I can’t believe you’re actually agreeing to this!” Lydia laughed as you each began to hold out your flowers.

“I can’t believe we’re still friends after you’ve made me into a total girly girl!” Even so, you loved Lydia to death, and very much appreciated her being slower than the wolves so you could run at a human rate together.


Allison. When you first became friends with her through Scott, it’d been a problem to Derek. He thought she was the enemy because her family was, which you couldn’t blame him for thinking. Hunters weren’t usually big fans of werewolves, but you knew Allison was on your side. If Derek could prove to her that he could be trusted, she would do the same.

All you needed to do was find a way to make that happen. Because you knew Scott wanted the same thing that you did, you went to him and made a plan to convince Allison and Derek to go on somewhat of a double date to the local beach. Somehow you both succeeded, and were driving separate cars there.

You and Allison had both brought your shortboards and planned on messing around with them when you got there. After laying out on the sand for a good two hours with the boys and chatting like normal friends, you girls decided to head into the water. The current and waves were perfect for surfing, and both of you were super excited about it.

You started out just laying on your stomachs and paddling around for a while, secretly observing your werewolf boyfriends talking intently on the sand. Soon enough, though, you were both standing up and riding some intense waves, often getting a kick out of falling into the salt water.

You were in the water for an hour before you decided to surf back onto the surface. Scott noticed you coming in, and quickly got a little closer and snapped a couple of pictures of you and Allison, his two favorite girls, clumsily walking/swimming in a swirl of foaming water, a few pictures you came to appreciate very much over time, especially when you learned that Derek approved of Allison.


 Malia. Ever since becoming human again, Malia had needed another girl to teach her how to be a teenager. Seeing as Lydia wasn’t too keen on teaching the girlfriend of a boy that used to be in love with her how to be a normal girl, you were stuck with the job. At first is was strictly business, and you only managed to slip in lessons when Malia did something odd. Scott eventually told you how important it was to him that she felt normal and comfortable because it was his fault she wasn’t a coyote anymore, and you knew you had to try a little harder.

After a few weeks, you’d found that because you were usually around the guys more than anyone, you were enjoying the company of Malia, and the two of you were beginning to get closer and share more things. One night Stiles suggested the four of you drive down the LA and go to the beach for the day.

Everyone agreed, and there were many opportunities there to teach Malia some typical things. When she began shivering in her swim suit and rejecting Stiles’s offer to give her his sweatshirt, you leaned over to insert yourself in the discussion. You placed your hand on Stiles’s shoulder, resting your head on top of it and looking at Malia.

“M, you always accept when a nice boy offers a jacket of any sort. Just take it.” Stiles looked at you, eyebrows raised. “M?” You simply shrugged.

“You guys have friendship nicknames? I’m hurt. We’ve been friends for a very long time, Y/N. Why don’t I have a nickname?” You rolled your eyes and shook your head, thinking of a slur of the things you’d called him jokingly over the years but not voicing any of them.

You stood up and grabbed Malia’s hand, taking her with you.

“Come make a sandcastle with me!” While you were in  the midst of convincing her to play in the sand, Scott snapped a photo on your phone, knowing you’d see it later on and thank him for capturing the memory of an amazing day with your best friend.


 Kira. She was pack, and she was dating your alpha and best guy friend. You knew you were going to have to be with her, and eventually you’d need to trust her, but you thought you’d be able to find your own time to do so. You were taken by surprise when Scott told you he and Kira were ‘kind of dating, maybe’ and asked you if a double date would be okay.

He wanted to go to the beach, just to hang out there for a few hours. Obviously you accepted, her new relationship with such a good friend of yours giving you motivation to get to know her. You went to eat at the small restaurant across the street first, and within the hour you were dining together, you had decided you liked her, and that she could possibly be your new girl best friend.

At one point, the two of you were mocking Scott and Stiles, with Kira smiling innocently like Scott often did and you sticking your tounge out. Apparently, Stiles found the bonding moment between you and Kira too adorable not to take a picture, but you thanked him for in later on when your friendship with the fox had completely evolved into more of a sisterhood.

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