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''And don't you dare come back again you stupid omega!'' A voice yelled as Harry was thrown out of a house, landing on his bum in the mud.

Harry pouted when the grumpy alpha in front of him slammed the door shut, growling at him before doing so.

Suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder. Harry jumped and carefully turned his head to see who touched him. He sighed in relief when Niall's concerned blue eyes met his own.

''You okay there, buddy?'' He asked and helped Harry to stand on his own feet.

''I guess so?''

''What did you do to make Zayn that angry?''

Harry scratched the back of his head and grinned fakely. ''I kinda dropped a bottle with very expensive hair products?''

''Okay, so?''

''It was made of glass, Ni...''

''Oh my God, you're lucky to be alive.''

Harry smiled and looked at his wet trousers.

''Alive, yes. Clean, not really. Louis will kill me.'' He mumbled and pouted.

Niall wrapped his arm around the other's shoulder and pulled him towards Louis' house. ''C'mon, curly. I won't let you work in that. Neither will Louis.'' Said Niall when he saw that Harry eyed the house with a frightened look on his face.

The two walked inside after ringing the bell.

''The are you doing here? Aren't you working?'' Louis asked when he saw Harry in front of him.

''Let the boy pass. Jesus, Louis. It's not like anyone will let him into their house if he looks like that.'' Niall sneered, pushing past Louis.

Now, Louis could order Niall to shut up and obey him since Niall was an omega, but Niall was also stubborn and Louis saw him as a younger brother. He wouldn't dare to harm the blonde Irish boy.

''Well, H. I have to go because I have an uhm,'' Niall coughed and looked at Louis. ''Appointment with someone. Don't go around breaking Zayn's hair products again, yeah?''

''Thank you, Niall. Have fun!'' Harry chirped when Niall ran away from Louis and him.

Louis turned to glare down at him and that made Harry's smile fall from his face.

''Well? Why are your still standing here?'' Louis spat, ready to push the boy out of his way.

''I-I... I don't have my own clothes yet, sir.'' He whispered.

It's true. Harry didn't have his own clothes yet even though he's been here for 3 weeks already.

Louis groaned.

''Alright, pup. Come with me.'' Louis sighed, walking up the stairs.

If Harry would've been in his wolf form, his tail would be swooshing through the air right now.

The pet name pup was really rare and Harry absolutely loved the pet name. It made him feel protected and cared for.

There really is no better feeling to a neglected omega than that.

So, the omega followed Louis to his bedroom. Insecurely wrapping his arms around his waist as Louis started rummaging through his closet, pulling out some clean boxers, sweats and a jumper.

''S all I've got for you right now, Harry. You'll have to deal with it.'' Louis murmured and threw the clothes at Harry, who was shaking at the alpha's voice again.

''It's perfect. Thank you, Louis.''

Louis smiled and was about to leave the room to give Harry some privacy but he stopped.

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