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Double update probably!


2 mornings later kind of started as usual. Only this time, Louis was actually singing whilst making breakfast.

''So-so, did you sleep well?'' Harry asked shyly, eyes a little glossy from being so sleepy.

''I did! Like a baby. What about you, pup.'' Louis chirped, ruffling Harry's curls as he placed a plate in front of him.

''I slept okay, thanks.'' He croaked.


Louis sighed and sat down next to the younger wolf, frowning at him as he did so.

''Don't lie to me, little one.'' He chuckled. ''What's up?''

Harry rubbed his eyes and forced a smile. ''No, I didn't sleep well.''

''Is it Owen?''

''Owen? Where is he!'' Harry squeaked, face pale and breaths shaky.

Louis grabbed his hand as he chanted. ''No, no, no. No, I mean did Owen keep you up.''

Harry slouched in his chair. ''Yeah and something else, I just-''

The omega bit his tongue before he could say something else. Just the way Louis was staring at him with concerned eyes. It just made him want to confess his feelings.

Let's tell him that you think he's your alpha, Harry. 'Cause that won't scare him off.

''You just what?'' Louis laughed.

''I felt a bit uhm... Woozy.'' Harry ended.

Louis nodded before huffing. ''Okay, so I don't sleep when I'm with you and you don't sleep when you're without me.''

Harry shrugged.

''So, what're we gonna do about that?'' The alpha finished.

The omega shrugged once more and pouted, feeling utterly humiliated. It's not like he didn't sleep because of Owen, it was because Louis wouldn't leave his fucking mind.

''Maybe we could like... alternate between them?'' Louis asked, uncomfortably scratching the back of his neck.

''I suppose we could,'' Harry whispered, cheeks a light shade of pink. ''If that's okay with you.''

Louis smiled gently and rubbed the younger's hand. ''Listen, Harry. You need to stop worrying about Owen. Alright? He won't get to you as long as you're with me.'' He said, squeezing the omega's hand.

Harry nodded. ''I know. He's just freaking me out. It's so unfair because I thought I finally got rid of him and then he nearly slaughtered me in the forest and now I'm all upset again and-''

''Wow wow wow, calm down,'' Louis said when he saw tears gather in Harry's eyes.

A small sob fell from Harry's chapped lips as he gently placed his hands over his eyes to prevent Louis from seeing his tears.

''Oh, sweetheart. C'mere.'' Louis whispered, wrapping his arms around Harry.

Harry leaned into him and he sniffled.

''You know, pup. He can only win if you let him win. He wants you to be terrified of him. To live a life where you can't enjoy shit because you feel like you need to watch your back all the time. Don't let him win, love.'' The alpha spoke gently.

Harry scrambled out of his arms, feeling like Louis' scent was gonna suffocate him and his sweet words were going to make him cry.

''I think I need to go.'' He croaked as he stood up.

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