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Harry and Luke held their phone close to their ears as they listened to a recording on youtube.

Ashton told them that koala bears sounded really creepy during nighttime and the two omegas wouldn't believe that. Koala bears were such soft and cute creatures to see.

''Oh my god,'' Harry whispered in horror. ''I've heard angry wolfs but nothing tops this.''

Luke agreed by humming and pausing the video, looking at Ashton as if he were crazy. ''Why did you have to ruin my view on koala bears.''

''I heard they carry chlamydia too. Don't know if that's just a rumour, but...'' Niall said, sitting down with a plate in his hands.

Harry shook his head and sighed. ''Does anyone else have some random animal facts that will ruin my life?''

''No, but an elephant is pregnant for 22 months. That's nearly two years.'' Liam said as he sat down next to Niall.

''That's not a bad fact but wow. That's long.''

''Not for an elephant. I mean... Those animals are huge yet detailed. Obviously, it takes them a long time to develop.'' Niall said, taking a bite of his food.

Harry hummed, looking at Louis who was standing with his friends. All of his friends were laughing but Louis' mouth was a thin line and his eyes weren't sparkling like they usually were.

What was wrong with him?

The omega jumped however when Zayn plopped down next to him. The two had been dating for three weeks now and Harry was quite happy with Zayn.

The alpha was always careful with him and he was just so sweet. Basically, everything he hoped Louis would be.

There was only one thing Harry didn't like.

Every time Zayn would kiss him or cuddle with him, the boy's omega would growl in protest. He didn't feel as safe with Zayn as he felt with Louis and he hated that.

So Harry just ignored his omega when it did that and focussed on Zayn instead.

''Still, it's weird. Like, a mouse is pregnant for only 20 to 24 days.''

''Yeah, but they're tiny.'' Niall argued with Zayn.

''But detailed.'' The raven-haired alpha said as he wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders.

Harry smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him, blushing when Zayn accidentally turned his face the other way just before his lips could touch the male's lips.

''Oh, sorry, baby.'' Zayn whispered, blushing a little as well.

''That's okay.'' Harry shook his head and cuddled closed to Zayn.

It was quiet for a little while before Luke spoke up.

''But is are elephants scared of mice?'' He asked.

Ashton frowned. ''That's debatable I think.''

''Why would they be? They literally have to step on them to kill them.'' Niall shot back, shrugging and taking a sip of his coke.

''Yeah, but maybe that's so scary. You know, they're fast and tiny and maybe that scares them.'' Harry said quietly, hearing Ashton agree with him.

''Let's just google it?'' Liam suggested.

The whole group looked at Liam as the beta typed away on his phone, biting his lip as he did so.

''Well?'' Zayn asked, gesturing to the boy's phone.

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