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If you don't like mpreg or the thought of Larry with children, this is the last chapter you can read. Just a little heads up!

Also, somewhere in this chapter it says: "Harry's eyes are shit" and that's supposed to be shut. If you see it, please point it out because I can't find it anymore..
Update, my great friend found it so don't waste your time looking for it!

"Harry! Baby, stop! Please, stop running!"

Harry ignored the voice behind him and started running faster. He decided to run towards their spot by the river.

Once he finally got there, he was out of breath. He was panting as he looked at his hands. They were both covered in blood and one of them had blisters all over it due to the silver dagger.

He sniffled and wiped the tears away from his cheeks.

There was some rustling behind him before Louis jumped out of the bushes.

"Harry I-"

"How could you! How could you say all those things? You knew that they would hurt me but you still said it!"

''Sweetheart, I- Owen had to believe me. I didn't mean any of those things! I swear!'' Louis begged, knowing damn well that the things he said were really bad.

Harry cried out and tugged on his hair. ''You're an absolute dick, Louis Tomlinson! How could you say that! I just- How could you! You fucked up big time!''

Louis cautiously took a few steps towards Harry but the omega flinched away, glaring at Louis with angry tears shining in his eyes.

''You could've told me about your stupid fucking plan, Louis! I could've pretended that I was scared you- we could've worked together in this, alright! We're a team! Y-You just said all the things Owen used to tell me and I-I-'' Harry stammered, tears streaming down his face as his knees buckled again.

Louis shot forward, just in time to catch Harry as the boy dropped onto the floor. The alpha took the shaking omega in his arms and slowly sunk down to the floor.

Harry punched his chest and sobbed. ''I hate you, Louis! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!''

Louis let Harry do as he pleased. He knew that he deserved every blow Harry gave him.

Harry's punches and pushes got less powerful until he completely slouched against his older boyfriend, sobbing against his chest violently.

''I just ki-killed someone.'' He eventually whispered.

And Louis just knew. He knew that that would be the thing Harry would be most upset about. Even if, in Louis' opinion, it should've been the fact that Louis said all those things.

''Baby, you... you did the right thing. He deserved it.'' Louis said gently, wrapping his arms around Harry.

The omega shook his head and looked up at Louis. ''What if he would've changed? Shouldn't we have kept him as a prisoner? Wha-''

''Owen wouldn't have changed, Haz. You and I both know that, pup.''

Harry frowned and looked at his hands again, choking on another sob. Louis now noticed Harry's bloodied hands. He lifted Harry up and walked towards the water, kneeling with Harry still on his lap.

He softly took the younger's hands in his and started washing them, careful with the tender skin of Harry's hurt hand.

''I don't understand how you could've said that,'' Harry whispered brokenly, looking at Louis with hurt-filled eyes.''I trusted you with those things and you used them to hurt me.''

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