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Well, since my depressed ass has nothing better to do with the last day of her vacation, here's another chapter.

Harry ran through the forest.

His whole body felt like it was on fire since he ran for such a long time. His muscles ached and his lungs burned but he didn't want to stop running. Not until he was far away from Louis.

He can't run forever though. His body needs rest and his lungs need air.

So the blonde wolf stopped and sat on his haunches, panting to get some oxygen back into his lungs.

He was exhausted.

It wouldn't hurt anyone if he would lay down for a little while, right? Nobody was here anyway.

Harry lay down, his head resting on his paws as he closed his eyes, listening to the crickets, swishing of leaves and the snapping of branches close to him.

Wait... Snapping branches?

The omega jumped up, eyes snapping open.

He could feel his heart stop when he saw the alpha in front of him. Harry's tail moved between his legs as he arched his back upwards, whining quietly.

The big black alpha in front of him growled, baring his canines and straightening his posture, looming over the frightened omega.

The smell of burnt amber hit Harry's nose and he slowly took a step backwards. The alpha barked and snarled at him, stepping closer to Harry to show its power.

Harry dropped to the floor and rolled over onto his back, paws up in the air to show his submission in the hopes it would calm the older alpha down.

He knew it was useless though. He would recognise this wolf out of thousands.

The black wolf would never leave him be after what he did. Nothing could save him now.

The alpha growled one last time before jumping on top of Harry, sinking his teeth into the omega's neck.

Harry howled in pain, loud and clear, hoping that somebody would hear his cry for help because anyone would be better than this alpha.



How could Harry have gotten so far so fast?

Louis sniffed the forest ground and the air, trying to pick up his vanilla scent but it was barely there.

The alpha huffed. If he found Harry he would-

His ears perked up when he heard a howl in the distance. It sounded scared, pained and like Harry's...

Louis' heart clenched in fear. If Harry was hurt, it was his fault. How could he be so stupid?

Another howl ripped through the air and at that exact same moment, a clap of thunder could be heard.

Louis ran, trying to pick up Harry's scent as fast as he could because thunder meant rain and rain meant that Harry's scent could be washed away.

Louis finally picked up Harry's scent when a small raindrop fell on his head.

The brown wolf whined in frustration, blue eyes scanning the trees around him as more drops fell.

No, no, no. No this could not be happening.

Another howl, only this one wasn't Harry's howl. This one was more powerful and definitely an alpha's.

Panic. That was all Louis felt right now.

an Alpha's luna Where stories live. Discover now