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So omg two of us broke my soul. Honestly I can't listen to it without tearing up. First time I heard it I started full on sobbing because you could actually hear and Feel Lou's emotions. And his live performance omfg don't get me started. He nailed that.
Still crying now btw. What r your thoughts?

Harry was painting his nails in his room, his tongue poking out of his mouth in pure concentration. When Louis entered, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster at the cute sight of the sweet, small omega.

''Hi, love.'' He said gently and leaned down to place a short kiss on the boy's cheek.

Harry blushed and looked up at his boyfriend with a slight smile on his face.

''Hi, Lou. How was your day.''

Louis sighed and sat down across from Harry on the floor. ''Busy. You know the hunters just outside the woods?''

Harry nodded silently, looking up at Louis when he finished his left hand.

''Well, apparently people in the city claim that they saw a big wolf and the hunters are blaming my pack. I've been trying to contact them but they won't answer.''

''M-Maybe you could go see them.''

''I suppose I should. I know that no one in my pack would be stupid enough to leave my domain.''

The omega bit his lip and his eyes filled with worry. ''Do you think it's Owen?''

Louis breathed in sharply and placed a hand on Harry's knee. ''To be really honest, I think it could be him. I know that he's been circling around my borders for a while now. So it wouldn't surprise me.''

Harry hummed and dipped the brush into his pale pink nail polish, ready to paint his right hand.

''But, Harry. Hey,'' Louis said softly when he saw a frown on Harry's face. ''He won't come further than that. Do you hear me, love? I won't let him.''

Harry smiled and his frown fell from his face. ''I'm not worried about that. But he's already causing trouble. I don't want him to bring your pack in danger.''

The alpha shook his head and gently took the bottle of nail polish from Harry's hand to do it instead of his boyfriend. ''I will never let a low wolf like that come close to my family.'' He growled and patted his knee for Harry to place his fingers on.

''Be careful, don't spill it on your trousers.'' Harry said, bringing attention to another topic.

''Harry, I have 4 sisters. I know how to paint nails.'' Louis chuckled.

''4 sisters?'' Harry hissed in disbelieve.

''Well, actually 5, but the youngest is too young to get her nails done. Oh, and I have a little brother, but... I don't think he'll be painting his nails.''

''You've got a big family...'' Harry murmured, watching in awe as Louis swiped the brush over his nail.

''Hmm, it's always busy at me mums house.''

''Why don't they live here? With you.''

''When my dad died and I became the pack's alpha... Mum and I grew apart. I was so busy all the time. She always wanted to live in the city but my dad forbade her. I didn't want to stop her so she left. Also, a lot of things around here reminded her of my dad. I think it was part of her grieving to move away from me.'' Louis explained, not really going into detail. Harry could still hear that Louis missed them.

''Do you still see them?''

'' I visit them every now and then. My mother has been talking about moving back to the village.'' The alpha said, a big smile taking over his face.

an Alpha's luna Where stories live. Discover now