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''Louis what?'' Luke nearly yelled when Harry told him about the previous night.

Harry jumped forward and slapped his hand over the blonde's mouth. ''Why don't you say that even louder so that the whole pack can hear.'' He hissed in distress.

Luke pulled his hand off and raised his own his surrender. ''Sorry. I didn't mean. But like... he kissed you?''

''Technically I kissed him first. I couldn't control it! I just had to, I don't know why.''

"Sounds like your omega wanted it... so now what are you gonna do?"

"He told me not to tell anyone. Luke, you can't tell anybody!" Harry said, voice trembling.

"Are you mad? My lips are sealed! All your secrets are safe with me, H, you know that." The aussie boy said and wrapped his arms around his friend.

Harry nodded and cuddled up against Luke. "I'm so confused and scared. My omega obviously wants Louis but he doesn't want me. Why else would he want to keep us a secret?"

Luke frowned. "Maybe it's because you're no pack member. It would be a scandal if he chose you to be his mate."

Harry looked up at him. Luke shook his head quickly. "No, no. I don't think it is, but like... you know how the rest thinks of you."

The curly-haired omega sighed sadly and curled back up against Luke. "I know..."

At that moment, Ashton walked in. As soon as he saw Harry, he ran towards the omega.

"Harry! Thank God, you're okay. I'm so sorry about yesterday." The alpha said and hugged Harry.

Harry smiled and accepted the hug, blushing a little from the sweet gesture.

"Thanks, Ash. It's okay. I should probably get used to it."

A huff was heard from behind Ashton, who stepped aside to reveal Calum. "You shouldn't have to. They are all sensitive little pricks." He said.

Harry smiled and the beta and then looked back at Luke who was nodding like he agreed.

"Thank you, guys. It means a lot to me that you accept me."

Calum sat down next to Harry as Ashton got them something to drink.

Harry looked back at Luke, who gave him a look that said; we'll finish our conversation later.

Harry was grateful for Luke. As much as he adored Niall, he wasn't sure if he could trust the excited Irishman.

Maybe he wouldn't want to tell, but Niall had a big mouth which he sometimes couldn't control and Louis would have Harry's head if he heard any of this.

"So, where have you been?" Luke asked when Ashton returned to the living room.

"Me and call went to the city for a while. Just groceries and that." Ashton said, pointing at the bags standing in the hall.

"Shouldn't you put that in the fridge?" Harry said quietly as soon as he noticed the meat and dairy.

"Fuck, of course." Ashton yelped and stood up.

"Sometimes you're so stupid, bro." Calum said.

"Well, hell me then, mate." The alpha shot back.

Calum groaned but stood up and carried a bag towards the kitchen as well whilst bantering with Ashton.

Luke chuckled and then looked at Harry again with a serious look on jis face.

"The kiss you shared. Was it only once?"

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