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Harry couldn't help but feel a little sceptical about Louis' behaviour.

He went from being closed off and rough to charming and sweet. He even helped Harry paint and redecorate his room!

Louis walked into Harry's room, startling the omega who was reading a book in the corner of his room. He held his breath anxiously as Louis' eyes moved through the room, a frown on the alpha's face.

''It looks lovely in here, Harry. Very you.'' Louis smiled, placing a bag in front of Harry's bed. ''I brought you some books and extra decorations. You can use them or throw them away.''

Harry grinned, crouching in front of the bag to see what was inside.

Louis eyed Harry fondly before his phone started ringing. He picked it up, turning his back to Harry and walking towards the corner of the room to create some privacy.

Within seconds, Louis was chanting about something, angry snarls leaving his lips. Harry cringed into himself, scared that Louis would start yelling at him after the phone call.

But when Louis hung up he said a quick 'got to go' before running out of Harry's room, slamming the door shut behind him.

A vase frame fell from the shelf next to the door, the glass shattering as it hit the floor.

Harry whimpered and flinched at the loud noises, glossy eyes taking in the big mess on the floor. God, he really shouldn't be this frightened when nothing really happened. 

He crawled towards the vase and wiped his eyes. Then he started collecting the shards and carefully placed them on his open palm.

Luckily, the flowers in the vase were fake so there was no water in there. But still.

Harry should feel happy now that he and Louis were friends. He felt lonely and sad instead. Two feeling he hoped to leave in the past after Louis had been nothing but kind to him. But whenever Louis left anxiety and stress filled his body.

The omega threw the shards away and grabbed the fake baby's breath, laying on the nightstand. He'd find a new vase for it tomorrow. Maybe Niall had one?

He straightened the picture frames before sitting down on his bed.

Like a strong alpha like his could be yours, Harry. Stop daydreaming. You'll be alone forever. Come back to me, I'll treat you how you deserve to be treated, you bitch.

Owen's voice called from the back of his head.

Harry whimpered and tangled his hands in his curls.

Two arms wrapped around his body and he recognized the minty scent immediately.

''I saw Louis run out of the house. He looked quite angry. Are you okay?''

''He's so sweet to me, Ni. You two are the only friends I have and I feel so alone when you leave...''

''Focus on making friends within the pack instead, yeah? Sadly, Louis is a busy man.'' Niall growled, keeping his arms around Harry when the other omega wrapped his around Niall as well.

''Maybe that's a good idea.'' He whispered.

Niall hummed and lay back against the pillows, cuddling with Harry.

''I love your room, Hazza. It's so... so... you.'' Niall said.

And it was true.

The room was painted a light pink colour. The bed was white and so were the sheets. In the right corner, there will pillows in different shades of pink and white laying on the floor with a big mosquito net was hanging from the ceiling above it. Little fairy lights were resting on it and flower chains resting on top of it.

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