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Author's note at the end is rather important! Please tell me your opinion on both questions?

When Louis woke up the next morning, he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest. The man yawned before looking down, smiling slightly when all he could see was a chocolate coloured mob of curls.

He moved a little so that he could look at Harry, without waking him.

When Louis got a good view on his face, he sighed sadly. Harry's eyes were still red and there were tear tracks on his cheeks.

The alpha wiped then gently and let out a protective rumble when Harry moved a little. Upon hearing the sound, Harry's eyes flew open and when he saw who was underneath him he jumped away.

''I-I'm so sorry, s-sir. I never meant to disrespect you like that, oh God.'' Harry rambled, placing his hands in front of his face.

Louis frowned and took Harry's thin wrists in his hands. ''Relax, omega.'' He pulled Harry back against his bare chest and tangled his hands in the younger's hair. ''For I am not going to harm you.''

Harry nodded and relaxed, whole body weight now resting on the alpha.

''Are you feeling any better, pup?'' Louis whispered, taking his hands through Harry's curls lovingly.

Harry purred at the feeling and licked his lips before answering: ''I am, thank you. Haven't had a good night rest like this in years.''

His voice was quiet and careful, almost as if he was frightened to speak to the alpha. But why? Hadn't Louis promised not to hurt him anymore. Or was Harry just the quiet, pretty omega he always was.

You're shit at keeping your promises when it comes to him. His aplha scoffed, making Louis wince.

''Hm, me neither, love.'' Louis said, keeping the loudness of his voice at the same level as Harry's in order not to intimidate him.

Harry cuddled closer and sighed, whimpered softly when Louis' arm wrapped around his waist after he pulled the warm covers up to his chin.

The omega looked up at the older fellow. Green eyes shining in the sunlight.

Louis swallowed thickly. He has never seen a boy this beautiful in his whole life and he has never felt about an omega like he did about Harry.

''You can take a day off today. If you wish, though I really want you to take a day off.''

Harry nodded, eyes not moving from Louis' eyes. ''I will clean your house today and then I'll rest.'' He promised.

Louis huffed. ''Our house. This is our house.'' He improved Harry's choice of words.

Harry blushed and looked away for the first time in minutes. ''Thank you.'' He whispered, playing with a loose thread on his shirt.

The alpha simply nodded and pushed Harry off of him a little. ''For now, I have things to do. If you need me, I'll be in my study with Liam.''

The man grabbed his shirt from a chair in the room and pulled it over his head, back muscles flexing at the movement.

Harry bit his lip and blushed even harder, averting his eyes from Louis.

Then Louis left. Without saying another word, he left the room. Leaving Harry to think about what happened.

The omega was very confused. After Louis saw Owen he became a little... protective and possessive. It was weird for Harry to see an alpha act like that. Especially if he was protective and possessive over him.

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