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It's a bit rushed. I promise to make the next chapter better, alright? I promise...

"No, I need you to find that before nightfall.'' Louis hissed into his phone as he paced back and forth through his study.

He stopped when the person on the other line answered. ''You can't fucking do it tomorrow, Liam. I need it to be done tonight.''

Harry whimpered. He was upstairs in his room but he could still feel the raw power Louis was giving off. It made his stomach churn and his head pound.

''Goddamnit, Liam! If I ask you something you do it, did I make myself clear?''

''Yes what?'' Louis sneered. ''Good, then I suggest you do what I told you to and God have your soul if I see that you haven't finished it by tomorrow.''

''Jesus Christ, Louis. Can you calm down?'' Harry heard Zayn's soft voice from downstairs.

''Zayn, I swear to God do you-''

''Alright, alright, I am sorry.'' And Harry could just imagine Zayn holding up his hands. Louis was really, really tense.

So, Harry stood up and he started walking downstairs. He jumped when he heard a crash and saw Zayn stumble out of the room.

''You're such a fucking dick when you get your rut!'' The raven-haired alpha yelled at Louis. Harry watched with big green eyes as a vase flew through the door and nearly smacked Zayn in the face.

''Call me when you can keep a civilised conversation with me!'' Zayn yelled before turning to Harry. ''Hi, Haz! Try not to tempt him if you go in there?''

Zayn knew that Louis would never hurt Harry like he would hurt him but he still wanted the younger omega to be careful around the alpha. An alpha in rut is pretty dangerous.

Harry nodded before jumping down the last two steps. ''Will do, Zee. Thanks for the warning.''

Zayn smiled before walking out of the house. Harry looked at Louis' study before he softly knocked on the door.

''What?'' Came a soft growl from the inside.

Harry peaked around the corner and bit his lip. Louis was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands and his shoulders looked tense. ''L-Lou?''

Louis' head snapped up and he smiled forcefully. ''Hi, pup. Come in, sweetheart.''

Harry tip-toed into the study and walked towards the alpha when Louis beckoned him to come to him. He grabbed Harry's hips and pulled the younger lad onto his lap.

''Sorry, love. Did I scare you?'' He asked gently, stroking Harry's back.

''A-A little...'' Harry said silently. It was true, though. He just doesn't really feel at ease around growling, screaming and demanding alpha's. Besides, Louis really gave off this strong vibe at the moment so...

''What's wrong, pup?'' Louis asked when he heard Harry whine.

The boy looked up at him with glossy eyes and a pout on his lips. ''Can you please just- You're really giving off...''

The alpha's eyes widened and his demeanour immediately lessened. ''I'm sorry. I didn't even realise. Is it hurting you a lot?''

Harry nodded hesitantly because, yes it did hurt his head quite a lot.

''I'll try to tone it down a bit, alright? But it's just hard.'' Louis said, a slight growl in his voice.

''I understand,'' Harry whispered, cupping Louis' face. ''Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to make you dinner? Your favourite?''

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