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Louis walked out of the bathroom. He just had a shower to wash his blood off of his body. His ribs were still aching but the wound had healed already.

The alpha walked into the bedroom, only to let out a heartbroken sigh.

Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down and his shoulders shaking. His clothes were covered in his mum's, Louis' and his own blood and his face was pale.

He honestly looked like a ghost.

''Darling, I-''

Harry let out a heart-wrenching sob as he looked up at his boyfriend. ''It's all my fault,'' He cried out, tears falling from his eyelashes. ''It is all my fault.''

Louis shook his head and rushed towards the omega, sitting down on the bed and taking him into his arms.

''Don't say that, angel. That's not true. You're not to blame for this. Not at all.''

''But it is...'' Harry whispered and placed his head on Louis' shoulder.

The alpha laid his head on the omega's and sighed. ''What if it would've been the other way around, eh? What if I was in your position? Would you think that I was the one to blame for all of this.''

Harry wiped his nose and looked at his boyfriend. ''A-A little. If I would have listened to everyone who ever told me that Owen was trouble, none of this would have happened.''

''Okay, fair enough. But what else could you have done to prevent it.''

''I-I-'' Harry stuttered and crawled onto Louis' lap as Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

''Exactly. So if falling in love with Owen was your only mistake, then it wasn't even deliberately. You can't possibly control your feelings, pup.''

''But if I would have listened to his demands sooner he would have-''

Louis huffed. ''Exactly. What if you would have done that. You. Think about yourself for once, baby. He would absolutely break you if you went back now.''

''But everyone keeps trying to save me. They all end up hurt or d-dead. I just wanted that to stop.''

''Harry,'' Louis breathed out, pressing their lips together gently. ''You expect us to stop risking our lives for you when you're doing the same for us. Don't you understand that we feel the same way about you as you do about us?''

The 19-year-old pressed his lips together and frowned. He never really thought about it liked that.

Louis stroked Harry's wild curls away from his face and softly pecked his nose. ''We're not going anywhere and we don't want you to go anywhere either.''

Harry sniffled but nodded. In all honesty, he didn't want to go anywhere either.

''B-but my mum is dead.'' Harry croaked out before bursting into tears again.

Louis gave him a sympathetic look before pulling the boy into a hug. He cupped the back of Harry's head and made sure that Harry's nose was pressed against his jugular so that he would calm down.

The omega's breaths were short and his sobs loud. Tears soaked Louis his shirt but that was clearly the last thing on his mind right now.

Harry was hurting and there was nothing he could do but hold him and love him.

Louis pressed his nose in Harry's hair and inhaled shakily. How was he gonna calm Harry down? The boy was all shaken-up and upset. His scent wasn't working and neither were his soft words.

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