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I want you to know that this story is not going to be an mpreg story.
Enjoy :)

Harry padded through the kitchen as he was looking for a big mug. It was freezing outside and the big house just didn't seem to get warm.

Not to mention that Louis went out with Zayn, leaving Harry alone and a little scared. Harry just wanted Louis here to cuddle with the Alpha. Louis would most likely be warm.

One of the perks of being an alpha.

So Harry figured that a blanket wrapped around his small body, a cup of hot chocolate and a good book would have to do the job.

The omega jumped onto the counter to find a mug in one of the top cabinets. He carefully stood up and started walking over the counter, balancing on the edge every time he had to open a cupboard.

Finally, after 10 minutes of searching, Harry found a cabinet filled with mugs. Only it wasn't in the kitchen. It was in the living room.

The boy murmured to himself about Louis not having any common sense before he poured his chocolate milk into a pan to heat it.

He was about to turn on the induction cooker when he heard the front door slam open. The boy froze and listened. He heard some swear words, making him relax because he knew that had to be Louis.

Still, the alpha could've said something to notify Harry.

The young wolf heard quick footsteps before Louis walked into the kitchen. Harry gasped as soon as he saw the alpha.

Louis' hair was tousled, his eyes were blown, his breathing is rapid and his shirt is wrinkly, exposing his collarbones.

As soon as his hungry eyes pot Harry, he back the young omega up against the counter, lifting him up before leaving his hands on Harry's hips.

''You have never smelled better than this.'' He growled, his voice low.

Harry whimpered when Louis pressed his face into his neck and started sucking on it roughly.

''Oh my G-God, Lou-Louis what-''

Louis whined high in his throat and stared at Harry. ''I need you. Shit, I need you so bad, baby.''

The omega's breath got stuck in his throat and he started stammering a response but he couldn't say anything but I and you.

''Only if you want me to, sweetheart. But I am just-'' Louis growled, his eyes unfocused and wild.

It scared Harry, of course, it did but on the other hand, it was also comforting. This was Louis. Louis wouldn't hurt him like that.

''Can I, baby? Can I have you tonight?'' Louis asked, swallowing thickly before pressing his lips against Harry's again.

Harry took a deep breath before nodding slowly. ''J-Just please be gentle a-and do-don't bite me-me?''

Louis breathed out in relief and kissed Harry again, gently but also with a little more passion. ''I won't. I will make you feel so good, baby angel. I promise.''

The alpha lifted Harry off of the counter, kissing him desperately. Harry tangled his fingers in Louis' hair and tugged on it a little, knowing that it would drive Louis insane.

The oldest moaned and slipped his tongue passed Harry's cherry red lips. He kissed him eagerly, like it had been months since they kissed. Harry simply let him, enjoying it just as much. Even if his omega found this a little scary.

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