chapter 1:

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1st September 1991:

Today is my first day at Hogwarts, Hagrid left me on the station to find the platform. 9 and 3/4, never heard of it in my life, but after finding out I'm a wizard, nothing really sounds stranger.

Right now, I'm writing this on The Hogwarts Express. I'm sitting with Ron Weasley, his mum showed me how to get onto this platform so we shared a compartment and well got over the fact I'm Harry Potter...

"Have any of you seen Draco Malfoy?" a bushy, brown haired girl stood leaning against the door frame of our compartment.

Me and Ron both shook our heads, none of us knew who Draco Malfoy was.

"Sorry, but no we haven't." I said, the bushy haired girl rolled her eyes.

"Wait, You're Harry Potter!" She stuck out her hand and I shook it.

"I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?" She turned to Ron, though her hands were placed on her lap.

"Ron Weasley." She gave a look and cut her eyes and walked out.

The moment we stepped into the castle me and Ron were in complete awe, the castle was huge. We were greeted by Professor McGonagall.

"You will be sorted into houses once you get into the hall, so I'd like you to stand at the front and wait for your name to be called." She nodded and went into the hall, we waited for her return.

"So its true, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts!" I spun around to find a boy with bleach blonde hair, his arm linked with the girl who asked for Draco Malfoy on the way to Hogwarts. Hermione Granger.

"And you, hand me down robes, a old wand, you must be a Weasley." He laughed with Hermione joining in.

"That's enough Malfoy." He spun and we all saw Professor McGonagall looking down at us all from the top of the steps. "Follow me."

We followed her into the Great Hall and was being watched by all the older students who were already seated.

"Now when I call your name you will step foward and sit on this stall where the sorting hat will sort you into a house. Hermione Granger." She turned to look at Malfoy who mouthed it'll be okay. She took her seat.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the sorting hat screamed, she hopped off and went to sit at the Gryffindor table. I stared at Malfoy, he looked glum all of a sudden, did he not want her there? It was strange.

"Ronald Weasley."

"Another Weasley, aye. Must be... GRYFFINDOR!"

Ron sank in the stool and gave a sigh of relief.

"Draco Malfoy."

"SLYTHERIN!" He smirked and walked toward the Slytherin table and sat down looking over at Hermione.

"Harry Potter." I continued to watch Malfoy unaware my name was called.

"Harry Potter!" I jerked foward and began to walk to the stool, everyone was whispering or staring at me.

"Ah, Harry Potter."

"Please, not Slytherin, not Slytherin." I pleaded.

"Not Slytherin aye, well you'd do good there. Otherwise GRYFFINDOR!" I smiled wide and walked over to join Ron and Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindor's.

After the sorting ceremony we ate and we were taken to our common room.

"I think she's hot." Ron went on, I had a look at Lavender Brown and shook my head.

"Hermione is not bad." He added. I looked over at Hermione and she smiled at me, I smiled back and faced the ground.


30th January 1993

I re read my first diary entry, I don't know what I was thinking, writing so much rubbish, even what everyone said.

Ron still likes Lavender and well Hermione. Speaking of Hermione, her and Draco are a thing. Inseparable since day 1. I don't know what she sees in him, he's a coward.

There's even been rumours that every Hogsmeade visit they go to the Shrieking Shack and well, Hermione apparently lost her virginity in there. The pair don't deny it niether do they boast about it so no one knows whether its true or not. Personally I don't believe it. Ron says its because I have a crush on Hermione so I don't believe the things I don't want to hear. I doubt that's true, I don't fancy Hermione, I don't believe it because she's a nice girl and seems like the person who wouldn't do that. Even if Draco forced her, she's a person who doesn't let people push her around.

I'm sure she would say something to me, we are not that close, but some of our conversations are so long that it would have cropped up in one of them, which it hasn't so I doubt it is true.

12th February 1993

Today, well its an unusual day. Hermione is not talking to anyway, not even Malfoy. She was about to come over to me as I was alone as Ron was somewhere snogging Lavender, it didn't bother me much it meant that Ron was happy and as his best friend it made me happy.

As I was saying she was heading over to me when Pansy Parkinson went over to her and started a row, so she argued and forgot that she wanted to talk to me. I never saw her after that, not for that day anyway. I saw her walk in the common room just before curfew and she just went straight into the girl's dormitory.

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