Chapter 3:

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14th February 1993:

Today should be an interesting one. Valentine's day.

Dumbledore suggested a romantic themed feast, which is great as I'll be alone. Ron has Lavender, Hermione has Malfoy and well I'm not into anybody, except Hermione at this given time.


As today was Sunday, no one was in class. Me and Ron went to practice Quidditch in the morning then Ron took Lavender out to walk around the lake so I was going to go to the common room to find something to do.

"Oh, hello Harry." Luna Lovegood walk by and joined me down the corridor.

"Hi Luna. How are you?"

"I'm okay Harry, Hermione doesn't seem to be." She said dreamily.

"Wait, you've seen Hermione." She nodded slowly. "Where?"

"By the Slytherin common room." She smiled.

"Well I'm going to go get her okay, thank you Luna. I'll see you later."

"Bye Harry." I waved and began to run. My lungs burned as I headed downstairs at my top speed, trying to avoid any professors passing.

"Hermione! Hermione!" I screamed as I entered the dungeons.

"Why did you leave with Potter?"

"I was getting bored Draco!" although she sounded fine I could hear fear in her voice.

"You filthy Mudblood!"

"Draco, you promised you wouldn't say it!"

"And I don't care, I told you to wait and then you run off with Potter!" I heard a slap and a wince,

"Stop Draco, I'm sorry. Ouch."

"I don't want you following the Potter again! Do you understand!"

"Yes, ouch, Draco stop pulling, ow!"

I turned the corner after hearing Hermione's cries.

"Malfoy, stop it now!" He spun his head and began to laugh.

"This doesn't concern you Potter!"

"Oh really." He let go of his grip around Hermione's hair aggressively and walked over to me.

"You better watch yourself. If I see you near her again I will get you. And I won't hesitate to kill you."

"I would like to see you try. C'mon Hermione." I looked over at her and held out my hand. I saw her eyes, they were glassy.

"Please Hermione." She shook her head. I did the same.

"See, she actually hates you. Leave. Let's go Hermione." He turned his back to me and walked toward Hermione, he grabbed her arm and pulled her with him. Out of sight.

I walked the opposite direction and tried to forget what had just happened. How could she just leave me hanging, I tried to help her and she threw it back in my face.

I walked to the Great Hall, in a hope the Luna would like to enjoy a meal with me, if she hasn't got someone else that is.

"Hey Luna, are you busy." I asked as I approached her.

"Wondering if I could eat with you. I'd love too." I smiled and we sat at the Gryffindor table next to Ron and Lavender.

"Thank you Luna, for telling me where Hermione was." I said as the awkward silence began to become deafening.

"I'm guessing it never went well." She said with the usual dreamy smile on her face.

"Well, no. How did you know?"

"You'd be with her otherwise, not me."

"That's not true Luna. She would have went with Malfoy regardless. I like this. Us together. Do you not?"

"Oh, I do." She smiled once more.

After the feast everyone went about their own business. Most students went back to their common rooms as I did.

"Hey, Ron!" I called.

"There you are mate. How's it going?" Ron replied.

"Meh, could be better."

"Cheer up, want to come out with me and Lav?"

"No, its okay. I might go do Snape's homework."

"All right mate. See you after."

Ron and Lavender were off and I was left alone once more.

I got into the common room and sat in my favourite armchair beside the fire. I sat in silence and looked at my piece of parchment, unable to write anything.

"Need help?" I looked up and saw her. It was Hermione.

"No." I saw her face, it looked glum.

"Listen, Harry I wanted to come with you-"

"Just save it Hermione. You love Malfoy."

"What are you saying? Do you like me Harry?"

"What?" I looked down at the plain piece of parchment. "I just think you deserve someone better."

"Oh, right. Well Draco isn't so bad, if you knew him."

"I don't want to know him Hermione."

"Okay, sorry. Let me help you, please. This is the only time I can spend with you without being pestered by Malfoy."

"Fine." I smiled and tried to forget what happened earlier as she helped me with Potions.


And I continue...

I think I love her. She is just everything I want in a girl. She is smart, beautiful and funny and we can have a good laugh. But she is with Malfoy.

She loves Malfoy. No matter what.

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