Chapter 14

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The weeks past and we got used of living alone, despite the numerous calls a day from her parents.

"Hermione, we still have a week alone, what do you wanna do?" I asked as we sat on the sofa watching a different show.

"I don't know, why not we go on a walk." I agreed and we got ready and headed out the door.

We walked to the nearest park and sat on the bench near the empty play park.

"Well, this is fun." I said, trying not to sound sarcastic.

"Yeh, well I'm glad we got to spend this summer together because I really have enjoyed it."

"So have I." I smiled and held Hermione's hand.

"Harry, I want to go on those swings." Hermione said, making me think of families and little children.

"Let's go."

We each took a swing and started to gently swing on them.

"Can't wait until I have kids." Hermione stated "I want at least 2 and a maximum of 4. What about you?"

"I don't mind, Hermione." She looked at the ground as though disappointed.

"Let's go back to the house Harry, I want to get some food." I nodded and we linked arms and walked back to the huge, empty house.


We both got into Hermione's bed, although quite small we fitted in nicely.

"Oh, Harry, I'm so comfortable here, with you."

"Same, can I kiss you?" Silence. "Hermione?"

"Huh? Yes, I'm sorry."

"You okay?" She nodded and I leant in for the kiss.

Hermione slid her finger over my lips, making me back away. "I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, Hermione." She smiled and kissed me again.

"I have something." In raised my eyebrows and slowly watched her enter her bedside table drawer, she pulled out a small silver square packet.

"Hermione is that a condom?"

"Yes, I want to have sex with you Harry. I thought about it and well I'm going to be with you even if my parents disagree." I smiled and hugged Hermione tightly.

"I have never put one on before." I said awkwardly. Hermione laughed and I joined in as she tried to demonstrate with her hands as I did the actual thing.

"There we go!" I said with excitement.

Hermione laughed even as I kissed her. "I love you so much Hermione."

"And, I love you, Harry."

We continued to kiss and one thing lead to another.


The next morning was calm, we stayed in bed and spoke to each other until we decided it was time to eat something, so as Hermione showered I went to cook the breakfast.

"Hello, my princess." I said to Hermione as she came into the kitchen, a towel over her shoulders and her hair still damp.

"Hello, Harry."

"I can get used of this, living by ourselves I mean."

"Same, I really love your company."


The first day of school came and me and Hermione were ready to face whatever was to come.

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