Chapter 8:

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May 2nd 1995:

Krum, the foreign student who as with Malfoy and me liked Hermione. I'm pretty sure we aint the only ones, but us three were the ones she knew about.

Krum walked around like the he was the coolest wizard here, he wasn't obviously, he understood little English and the only reason the girls screeched and followed him was because he was too dumb to complete school so spent all his time learning how to play Quidditch. The Quidditch tips he knew took most of the space up in his brain so he was clueless about everything else.

Hermione deserves someone better.


"Hello, Hermione." She looked at me with a menacing face.


"I'd like to say I'm sorry. I only wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yes, I could tell. But you said I lied to you."

"I know and I was wrong." She started to shake her head.

"I did lie to you. It was Krum." my mouth made an 'O' shape, an involuntarily action.

"What, how? What did he do to you."

"Can we meet up later and talk. I need to go see Hagrid."

"Yes of course. See you later." She waved and headed off toward Hagrid's cabin.



I knew he was suspicious, that git! I hated him even more now. What if Hermione said he done it by accident, I can't say she's lying, she will stop talking to me again. I should just wait and see and hopefully she'll understand my hatred towards him.

I am about to go meet her. So here we go.


"Harry!" She ran toward me and hugged me as we meet.

"Hi, so what happened?" I asked as we sat down.

"Well, I told you I ran into Draco and Pansy. And I did."

"Did they hurt you though?" she shook her head.

"No, but they were going to use the Cruciatus curse."

"What! They could go to Azkaban for that!"

"I know, but they were stopped by Krum."

"Oh, so he never-"

"Ssshh, he did, he took me down to the lake and used the curse on me because I went to the Yule Ball with you."

"I'm so sorry."

"Its okay Harry, I liked going with you."

"Why did he stop then?" I asked.

"He was caught."


"By Draco. Draco caught him and stopped him."

This series of events confused me. But I was glad she was telling me the truth and that she was alright.

"That's new, seen as he called you a slut."

"I know, but he said that he thought I would have dragged Krum off to the Shrieking Shack so I could have sex with him. I don't lure people to the Shrieking Shack and have sex with them."

"Don't worry, I believe you." She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Why are you the only decent dude in this school?"

"Me? I'm myself. I hate when people say I love the attention. I hate it really. I like moments like these."

"I can tell you are not an attention seeker and I like these moments too."

We sat there for another hour talking about what isn't actually true about ourselves. I was glad to be back to talking terms with Hermione.

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