Chapter 6:

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So The Yule Ball is approaching and I have no one to go with- Great.

I was going to ask Hermione, but the last time I saw her she was tongue wrestling with Malfoy so I left her be. I was going to ask Luna, but Neville had already asked. I think they are actually dating now. I think they are a cute pair.


I have no one to go with, Cho is with Cedric. Dean is bringing Ginny, Lavender has Ron, Hermione has Malfoy.

And yes, Ron and Lavender are a thing again. She got over Seamus pretty quick. But that's besides the point. I have no one to go with and the time is ticking.


"Hey, Harry!" I turned to see Hermione running up to me.


"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing. You okay?" She nodded.

"Good, How's Malfoy?"

"You don't care about him, you just are upset that he's supposedly taking me, right?"

"Yeh- wait what?"

"Draco isn't taking me anywhere. I was adamant that I wasn't going- with him anyway." She smiled wide. "So he's taking Pansy."

"Oh, that's, Erm yeh. Who you going with?" I asked.

"Oh, I probably won't go. I have no one to go with and its tonight. Its a shame, mum and dad sent me a beautiful dress. What about you?"

"Well, I wasn't going to go, but I have someone now." Her eyebrows raised.

"Hermione, can I ask?" Her face glowed. She nodded.

"Why was you kissing Malfoy if you aren't into him anymore?"

"Oh, well, I didn't want to do that, but if I don't try he'll keep it going. Well better be off. See you Harry." She began to wave and walk away.

"Hermione!" She turned her head.


"Come with me, to The Yule Ball." she smiled and nodded. Before I knew it she had literally jumped on me, I hugged her as she hugged back.

"Thank you!" She kissed my cheek and ran off.

Wow, I thought to myself.

The Yule Ball was an elegant ball with ice carvings and blue fire all around. It was beautiful and all I had to do was wait for Hermione, who decided we should meet at the stairs. So I waited, didn't expect her to be on time, girls for some reason take ages to get themselves ready.

"Oh wow, she looks beautiful." I heard Lavender say from behind me. I turned around and saw Hermione standing at the top of the stairs looking amazing, and even more mature.

"Hi, Hermione, you look beautiful." I said and I turned as pink as her dress.

"Thank you, you look so handsome in you gown." I laughed and she joined in.

As the ball went on, everybody was dancing on the dance floor and me and Hermione sat out for a while.

"Want to go for a walk Harry?"


We walked outside and sat on a bench.

Hermione let a long breath out and sat there fiddling with her hair.

"That was fun." She said.

"It was." I smiled at her and grabbed her hand.

"Thank you for making it an amazing night." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, and I hugged her back.

"Thank you." she said, I thought she was crying by the sound of her voice.

"Hermione, you okay?"

"Yeh, I'm fine." She breathed out as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Draco wouldn't have made this so special."

"I'm glad I could." I released her from the embrace and held her hands.

"What will Draco do if he found you here?" I asked out of curiosity and the fact she mentioned his name made me wonder.

"I don't know, but I don't care. I've had it with him." I smiled slightly.

"Well, I do like you Hermione, I have since you first mentioned Malfoy on the first Hogwarts Express trip in 1991." She laughed, you remember that, She put her palm to her forehead and laughed more. "I can't believe that, how?"

"I kept a diary." I laughed along with her and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Oh Harry."


"Yes." She lifted her head and I let go of one of her hands, I placed mine on her cheek and pulled her in closer. Our faces were inches apart and as we got closer our noses eventually touched.

We leant on a little closer and her soft lips pressed against mine.

"Harry." She whispered as our lips parted.


"I like you too." I smiled and put my lips on hers once more.

"Well, well, well." we parted and turned to whoever spoke. Draco stood there, his arm linked with Pansy Parkinson's.

"I don't care what you have to say Draco."

"Well, that's good for you. Ah, Potter I see you got yourself someone, I mean don't expect anything she'll go for anyone."

"What is that supposed to mean."

"I mean little Miss Granger is a slut!" I turned to Hermione and held her hand.

"You're wrong and even if she was I wouldn't care because we like each other."

"That's really special, I don't care. This mudblood isn't going to stay with you long and don't take it seriously."

"You foul, loathesome, evil little cockroach." Hermione had pointed her wand right at Malfoy.

"Hermione, let's just go!"

"Yeah, listen to Potter." Pansy had stated. Hermione dropped her wand and turned.


She had punched Malfoy straight in the face.

"Hermione let's go." I said pulling her arm.

"Don't ever talk to me again Malfoy!" She said. I was surprised, she had called him Malfoy.

We walked away and went back to The Yule Ball.

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