Chapter 15

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Once on the Hogwarts Express we sat in our own compartment, where we could talk about whatever we wanted.

That still wasn't enough for Draco Malfoy.

"Hermione give you some Potter!" Draco said as he opened the compartment door, Crabbe and Goyle right behind him.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Was all I could return.

"I guess that's a yes then."

"I said shut up!"

"Make me!" Draco screamed. I got up and strided the short distance to Draco. I was up in his face and I had pulled out my wand.

"I will curse you Malfoy." I bellowed, he laughed.

"Go ahead, potter!" He spat my name at me, Hermione then stood up.

"Draco, go away." She said, she hesitated.

"No, I'd rather stay and listen to you too argue about me and Hermione's secret messages over the summer." I turned to look at Hermione who was shaking her head slowly while glaring at Draco.

"Hermione!" I shouted, my anger boiling.

"It was nothing Harry, I swear, he's trying to make us split up." She grabbed my shoulder and I nudged it off and stormed out the compartment.

I sat in another compartment with Ron, Lavender, Luna and Neville.


The feast was different, I had no real conversations most of which were my fellow students asking me what happened over summer, and I responded a lot. They then asked why Hermione was sitting at the other end of the table with her eyes extremely red and puffy. She was still crying I thought. I responded I don't know.

After the feast I headed back to the familiar common room and walked upstairs to the boy's dormitory. Oh how I longed to sleep. I kicked my shoes off my slightly aching feet and sat on my bed. Oh Hermione, I thought. I thought of her and her tear stained face at dinner, maybe I should talk to her? Should I give it some time? I had the questions spiralling in my head until I dozed off and didn't wake up until morning.

Breakfast was different also, Hermione made no appearance and neither did Malfoy. I feared the worst, however let the thought slip as Ron and Lavender sat down opposite me.

"Hey, Harry!" Lavender squealed.

"Hi, you guys okay?" Ron nodded and Lavender did the same "that's good." I smiled a little and returned to my porridge. "Have any of you guys seen Hermione?" I asked as they were all smitten and it reminded me off the summer and how me and Hermione had been throughout. I missed it.

"No, mate sorry." Ron responded, turning his attention back to Lavender as soon as I nodded in response.

"Well, I'm going to look for her. See you later." I got no answer so I just left. I needed to find Hermione, her face at dinner yesterday was fresh in my mind, almost as though printed on the back of my eyelids. I hated that, and needed to put things right.

It took me until after lunch to find her, but I did. She sat on the edge of the forbidden forest with Luna, Dean and Seamus. Odd mix I thought, but pushed it away and headed over.

Hermione was smiling, but I could see she was upset. She turned her face and watched me trudge over to the four of them.

"Hi, can I speak to you Hermione? Please?" She looked at me coldly. "Please, Hermione, I'm really wanting you to cooperate." She rolled her eyes and stood up.

"What?" She said once we were alone.

"I want to hear your side of the story."

"There's nothing to it, Harry. I told you we were friends since we were little, and my mum forces me to keep in contact. I tried to lengthen the replies, but Draco is Draco." I nodded slowly and looked at Hermione. "I'm sorry if you thought I was cheating on you. Harry, I love you. Do you not get that. Whatever me and Draco are up to, which is not anything, I swear, is nothing compared to what we had. On the train you didn't listen to me and I got really upset, because I thought you were better than that."

I stared into Hermione's glassy eyes. I was about to say something when I wrapped my arms tightly around her and started to cry.

"I'm so sorry, I should have listened to you." I tried to release Hermione when she returned the hug and I re-wrapped my arms around her. I felt comfortable with Hermione and I loved her.


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