Chapter 4:

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1st March 1993:

Today was horrible. Writing it on a bit of parchment about it now makes me want to just scream, or throw something at a wall.

Malfoy does this on purpose, he has too. He knows when I'm close and picks his moments to get all loved up with Hermione. I'm sick of it and I need to tell Hermione how I feel about her, because it will just continue otherwise.

So here's what happened today.


I awoke this morning with a feeling something good was going to happen. I don't know what it was, but it was going to be good.

I got up and dressed quickly and headed downstairs with Ron.

"You alright Ron?" He looked glum and as if he's been hit in the stomach a few times.

"Lavender broke up with me last night."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Why?"

"She likes someone else."

"Well, I am sorry. You two seemed proper."

"Yeh, well I knew she was going to. And besides now I have a chance to mess up Draco so I can get Hermione." he said smirking and as he did Hermione barged past.

"You will not, there's no chance I'll date you!" She bellowed as she stormed out of the portrait hole.

"Well that won't be a good idea." I said.

"No, maybe not." He replied and we stepped out of the portrait hole.

After breakfast we walked around the castle, unable to find something to do.

"Ron, I tried to rescue Hermione from Draco, but she never took it, so I'd stop trying."

"You did! And you know I like her, mate!"

"I didn't do it for me Ron! I did it for her! She can't stay with Draco and I don't like her that way."

"Yeh, right that's why you write what you do in your diary!" He held it up in his hand.

"You can't read that! Give it back!"

"No, Lavender told me that Pansy wanted it, so she can give it to Draco."

"And you listened, you are my friend."

"Well, maybe I was. I am going to get Hermione. I don't care that you love her." He walked away with my diary in his hand. I froze. Draco was going to read my diary, he was going to know that I like Hermione and he'll make sure I don't touch her. What am I to do I thought.


So that's what happened today and the reason I'm writing this on parchment.


13th March 1993:

I still haven't got my diary back and Draco has been quiet for a while, which could only mean he's up to something. Me and Ron haven't been talking, for obvious reasons. He betray me for a girl who said she wouldn't date him.

I hate talking about this stuff, it just makes it sound even more stupid.

Anyway let's see what happens today.


Potions, great I thought. I walked down into the dungeons with Neville and saw Hermione and Draco, surrounds by other Slytherins and Gryffindors.

"Listen to this! 'I love her!' And look who showed up." Everyone spun and faced me. I looked at Hermione who shook her head, her eyes glassy.

"Draco stop!" She cried.

"No, 'she loves Draco.' Got some facts in there which is good." He smiled. Hermione's tears fell and she wiped them away with the sleeve of her robes.

"I said stop it!" She grabbed the diary. "Stop!"

She hurried over to me, I stepped back as she approached fast.

"I'm sorry." I said, but she slammed the diary to my chest and marched off. As I went to follow her Snape came and ushered us into his classroom.

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