Chapter 12:

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February 1996:

It has been a month since Hermione punched Pansy square in the face and well rumours have stopped, actually cleared which is brilliant, Hermione is happier and that makes me happy.



"Hello, Hermione, how are you?" I aksed as I hugged her.

"I'm grand, and you?"

"I'm good." I smiled, Hermione nodded and placed her lips on mine. I kissed back.

"Let's go for a walk." Hermione said, so we did.

We walked the familiar route around the lake and talk endlessly.

"What will it be like Harry?"

"What will what be like?" I questioned.

"Life after Hogwarts." she said plainly.

"Oh, I dunno, I just know we are not finishing because school is."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"And besides we still have a couple years so don't worry."

"OK, its just I'm worried everyone will just forget each other."

"That won't happen."

"What will we become after school?" She asked.

"We will be stronger, and ready to go ahead with life. When the time comes we can have children after we get married and live our perfect lives in each others company." I said grasping Hermione's hand in the process.

"That sounds amazing." Hermione said dreamily.


The next morning me and Hermione went down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Harry, the owls are here!" Hermione said enthusiastically. "I should have a letter." she added.

And she was right a school owl dropped a letter right beside Hermione's plate. She opened it and her eyes went wide.

"What? Hermione?!"

"Yes! Harry, my parents invited you for the summer! Please come, Please!" She had the widest smile on her face and I said "Of course!"

"This will be the best." I agreed, we finished our breakfast and went to explore the castle.


So I'm off to Hermione's house this summer, I can't wait, this is a hundred times better than staying with the Dursley's. I hate it there and they know that.

I wonder what her parents will be like? Nice I'm guessing, after all they did let me stay for the whole summer.


"Well, well. Potter is staying at the mudblood's this summer, oh I wonder what they will get up too." Draco said as me and Hermione passed him on our way to lessons.

"Shut it Malfoy, we don't care what you say!" I cried.

"No, make me. You two are obviously in love so you can do what you like without worrying she'll leave you after for someone else."

"Malfoy! Shut up!" Hermione in putted.

"No, and listen everyone." Everyone then turned around to listen what Malfoy had to say. "Little Miss Mudblood here may not have had sex with me, but-"

"Draco no!" Hermione screamed.

"She gives good blow jobs!" I looked at Hermione who was now crying, I was shocked, she never told me this. I thought we told each other everything.

"Yes, the filthy Mudblood, the 13 year old mudblood gave me a blow job and we both enjoyed it, the little whore."

"Hermione?" I said, my voice hoarse.

"I'm sorry, Harry." She ran off and I went after her.

I finally caught up to her.

"Hermione! Stop!"

"Harry, I'm sorry, I was stupid and I'm sorry, I should have told you." Hermione's eyes were red and still tears were falling from them.

"I agree, but I love you and I don't really care."

"Harry, I didn't even know what it was, he forced me, you believe me don't you?"

"Yes, don't worry Hermione."

She placed her head on my shoulder and we sat and I comforted her.

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