Chapter 10:

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The Three Broomsticks was crowded, but the four of us found a table toward the back and we sat down. Me and Hermione on one side and Ron and Lavender on the other.

"Won Won can you get the drinks? I'll come aswell actually." Ron nodded and they headed toward the bar, leaving me and Hermione.

"So, Ron and you are talking again." Hermione said.

"Yeh, not as close as we were, but talking at least." she nodded and then looked around the three broomsticks as though to see if someone was in the area.

"Hermione? You okay?"

"Erm, yes. Yes fine."

"Who are you avoiding?"

"Easy to tell?"

"Yeh." I said chuckling.

"Well, Krum."

"Oh, I'm here so he won't touch you." She giggled "Thank you, Harry."

The drinks arrived and we sat and drank them.

"So, are you guys a thing?" Lavender asked.

"Yes, we are going out." I said.

"Awww, we should do this more often." She said smiling.

"What?" I said unaware of what she meant.

"Double dates."

"Oh, yeh that sounds great." I looked over at Hermione who was laughing.

"Hermione, does that mean you have made Harry yours?" Hermione continued laughing.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, you take them to-"


"The Shrieking Shack." She mouthed. At Hermione's silence me and Ron stopped talking and looked at the girls.

"Oh my." Hermione managed to say.

"What?" Lavender said innocently.

"Absolutely not!"

"Hermione, sit." I said after Hermione got up from her seat beside me.

"I'd be surprised if you and Won Won haven't done it in there you blonde git!" And with that Hermione had turned around and left.

"Now see what you've done." I said and went after Hermione.

"Hermione, wait up!" I called as I left The Three Broomsticks.

"Harry, I'm going back to the castle." Tears rolled down her face.

"Hermione, don't listen to those gits. Ignore them."

"Its hard to Harry, everyone thinks its true." I didn't reply, I just hugged Hermione and she hugged back.

"I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault." We walked back toward the castle and I tried to comfort Hermione.

"When I find out who spread the rumours, I will hex them." Hermione said seriously.

"I'll back you up." although the subject was frustrating we made a joke out of it and made sure the rest of the day was not ruined.


Well the Hogsmeade trip went well. Lavender and Ron are no longer friends of Hermione's. I am on Hermione's side with the whole situation, but me and Ron are getting along kind of. But Hermione is right and I know that so whatever will happen I'll have her back.

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