Chapter 17:

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*The end of their 7th year*

I walked up the stairs leading into the castle, the doors were open so I let myself in and headed toward the great hall. I heard many voices and laughter and I hoped Hermione was amongst them. I walked into the great hall and saw everyone's eyes turn and stare at me.
I noticed Ron so I walked over. "Hey, you okay?" I asked.
"Yeh, it's good to see you." I nodded and said "you too. Have you see Hermione?" Ron nodded and pointed to a group of students, all in which I recognised, including Hermione.

I dashed over and tapped Hermione on her shoulder. "Hermione!" I shouted and she spun, her enthusiasm didn't match up. "You okay?" I asked, she nodded and spun back around. That's when she bent down picked up a toddler and told me to come with her.
I was confused, we ended up sitting on the steps that lead to Hogwarts.
"You didn't contact me Harry."
"I'm sorry, but you know how the Dursley's are. I wanted to I really did." She shook her head.
"This is Rosie." Hermione turned and indicated the little girl. "She is nearly 2."
"She's cute." I said.
"People say she has your eyes." I smiled, however became confused.
"Why would people say that?"
"You really have no clue. Remember that time, the day you got expelled I went to the bathroom, it was so I could take a test. It was positive, I came back to tell you, but you were gone." Hermione's eyes flooded with tears.
"So you mean to say..."
"This is your daughter Harry." I shook my head in disbelief.
"Hermione, I'm sorry."
"I've been staying with Ron, my parents don't know." I looked at her.
"I'm so sorry. Hermione I love you and I have a surprise." She wiped her tears away and faced me. "You know I love you," she nodded "and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and Rosie also. So, well I wanted to say." I hesitated. "Hermione Jean Granger, I know we are young, but would you marry me?" Hermione's hands cupped her mouth and she started to cry.


That is the end.
Hope you enjoyed, I'm writing a sequel so you may find out the answer to the question after. :) please comment and vote. I want to hear your views on the story.

Lots of love NRxxx

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