Chapter 13

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I never cared really that Hermione had done what she had done to Malfoy. I mean it bothered me, but I love Hermione and I couldn't possibly lose her.

Since the outburst of Hermione's actions by Malfoy we all never really spoke to each other, not like we did anyway, but now it wasn't even a glare, it was nothing.


I met Hermione on Monday morning in the library, she told me to meet her there so we can discuss the summer. Which I was super psyched about.

"How about, I show you some good shows which you haven't been able to watch." I nodded as Hermione spoke, I was listening, but I was concentrating hard on her soft lips as they moved, opening and closing as she spoke the subtle words which drifting slowly into my ear. Also her hazel brown eyes, which would gracefully flutter as she blinked.

"Hermione, I want to talk to you, in private."

"Of course Harry." Hermione said as she stood up and picked up her parchment and quill.

We headed to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, I don't know why I chose here, it was just the first place that popped into my head.

"So Harry, you alright?" She said dreamily.

"I just wanted to say something, like about this summer which will only concern us two so I wanted it to be out of everyone's radius of hearing."

"Okay, what did you wanna say?" She placed one of the hands on mine.

"I love you Hermione and well I think since we are getting older now and we'll be alone in the summer-" I hesitated. "I want to have sex with you Hermione."

"Oh Harry, that's a big ask."

"Obviously if you're not ready I'll wait for you. I just think I'm ready and I want it to be you, you who I lose my virginity with." Hermione blushed and stared at the ground. I still had her hand in mine, what if she didn't want to have sex with me and I just told her I wanted to do it with her. I don't know what the outcome will be but, I hope she decides soon.

"I'll think about it okay?" I nodded and pulled her in for an embrace.


July 1996

The train pulled up into King Cross Station and I gathered my luggage as did Hermione, I then followed her to her parents.

Her parents were tall and thin, they wore smart clothes and surprisingly none of them looked like Hermione, I could notice features in Hermione which were present in her

parents, but Hermione was neither more like her dad or her mum.


I was greeted with a couple of sweaty handshakes and we made our way back towards her parents car.

"Ah, Harry, we've heard so much about you and the Dursleys we just had to have you round for the summer, and Hermione was most excited with the idea." I smiled and nodded, looking at Hermione with a look as though to say 'I wasn't your idea!'

"Thank you for having me this summer Mr and Mrs Granger, it's a pleasure." Anything is while you're getting away from the Dursleys.

The car ride was long, perhaps a few hours, and during that time I really started to like Hermione's parents even more. Me and Hermione would talk in the back and her parents would leave us to our own devices. It was just wonderful to have the ability to talk to her without worrying that her parents will judge.

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