Chapter 7:

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The day after the Yule Ball, me and Hermione met up and walked around the lake.

"Hermione, you sure you're okay?" She nodded.

"I'm fine. Tired, from all the dancing you know."

"Yeh, I understand. You did leave a little early though, where did you go?"

"I- Erm." She stammered.


"I went to bed." I gave her a look of disbelief.

"I did, just not straight away. I ran into Pansy and Draco."

"What happened? I'm so sorry, I should have left with you." I took her hand and gripped it tightly.

"Its alright, he was a little frightened, after I punched him and that."

"Ah, that's good, he knows not to mess with you. or I would have hurt him bad." Hermione gave a sarcastic laugh, but I thought nothing of it.

"Hermione? Shall we sit?"

"yeah, okay." She sat down slowly, quietly wincing.

"Hermione you are hurt, what did he do."

"Nothing Harry!"

"Don't lie to me Hermione, I can tell there is something wrong. What did he do?" She sat and cried. I watched her, she needed to tell me. In the mean time I rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I need to go." She slowly raised, I pulled her back down.

"Hermione, please." I pleaded for her to stay.


"Harry, I'm fine. I'm just sore from the constant dancing and yeh."

"And you are sure Malfoy never hurt you."

"I'm sure." Hermione then leaned in and kissed me on the mouth, I kissed back.

"I like this."

"Like what?"

"Us." I said, she smiled and kissed me on the lips one last time before getting up and hobbling away.


January 1995:

So, Hermione is lying to me. There is something that Malfoy must have done to her for her to be in such discomfort. I need to know what it is. I need to be cautious not to just ask.

But I need to know. As soon as possible.


"I know you are lying." She looked at me, shocked to my surprise.


"Don't lie anymore. Tell me what happened."

"What are you talking about Harry?"

"A few months ago, the night of the ball, what did Malfoy do to you?"

"Nothing, it wasn't him."

"Well, if it wasn't then who was it?"

"I can't say Harry, he'll kill me."


"Harry, I can't."

"Fine!" I got up and walked away.


22nd April 1995:

Well that went well. Me and Hermione probably won't be talking for a while. I wish it went differently, like I wish she would just tell me. Things don't always go your way, however.

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