Chapter 5:

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"Hermione, I'm sorry, I should have told you. Please come out and talk to me." I pleaded from the other side of the toilet door in the girls bathroom.

"Go away Harry! I'm not in the mood." I could tell she had been crying, he voice was hoarse.

"I'm sorry, please." I heard a click and the door opened.

"Harry, you like me." She started to cry again. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry." I said. I felt her head shake against my chest.

"Its not that, I thought you didn't Harry. I am sorry."

"Its not your fault, don't be sorry."

"I thought you were doing all this for Ron. I had no idea."

"No, Ron is a little crazy when it comes to girls." She laughed and stepped back so we were no longer hugging.

"I'm still sorry." She smiled and wiped away the last of her tears.

We walked back to the Gryffindor common room together.

"Harry and Hermione, the new couple." Ron had said.

"Shut it Ron, we are not dating, we are friends."

"That's what everyone says." he smiled. "Hey, Hermione I'm surprised you haven't taken Potter to the Shrieking shack to have take his virginity." I looked from Ron to Hermione. Her eyes became teary again.

"Whatever you think happened with me and Draco in there its not true. I wouldn't do that!" she stormed up the stairs into the girl's dormitory.

"Ron, what is wrong with you?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was curious."

"You are a git!" I walked over to him and clenched my fist. I swung it round so I hit him straight in the cheekbone.

"What the hell, Harry!" He turned back to face me, he threw a punch in my direction and I fell to the floor. He carried on punching and I was unable to move. I saw everyone's faces and heard them gasping.

I thought of nothing, but pain. I thought I was finished. Then I heard a mumble from behind me and Ron stopped punching, his hands were immobile in the air and I was then pulled out of under him.

"Harry, let's get out of her and get you fixed up." Hermione took my hand and we ran out of the portrait hole.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it." She smiled as she wiped away the blood from under my nose.

"You've been hit bad Harry. Not broken though."

"Erm, Hermione-"

"No, the rumours are rumours. I have not had sex with Draco in the Shrieking Shack."

"Oh. Well I thought so, you don't seem like the person who'd-"

"Let's not continue this conversation."


Once I was all cleaned up Hermione helped me up and we walked around the castle talking endlessly.

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