Chapter 11:

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January 1996:

Still, we. Me and Hermione were struggling to decide who started the rumours about Hermione having sex with all the boys she dates, not to forget in The Shrieking Shack.

Don't get us wrong, we haven't just brought this up, we have had a long think and have short-listed the suspects, most- All belong in Slytherin, why wouldn't they belong in Slytherin.

We first thought of Crabbe or Goyle, then Pansy, and then it could be Malfoy himself. Hermione wanted to talk to Draco about it, I said not to and just wait until we know we have enough evidence to back us up.


"Harry, listen!" Hermione called out to me.

"What is it Hermione?"

"I heard Pansy talking in the toilets, she was asking who my next victim is."

"So she asked you-"

"No, I was in the toilet, they were in the sink area and well they never knew I was there and I overheard it all, Neville.

"Neville?" I said as we turned a corner.

"My next victim apparently."

"Oh, well we should try stop it from spreading."

"Can I just confront her and punch her, Muggle

style." At this I laughed and Hermione joined in. We were both brought up by Muggles so it was easy to understand the terms and concepts that Muggles use, unlike when you're with Ron and he has no clue.

"Let's do it then." We walked off to take a stroll around the lake.


"Let's do it tomorrow, Harry?" Hermione asked me, although I wasn't concentrating.


"Tomorrow, you know, confront Pansy and I can hit her."

"Oh, yeh okay. Let's go over the plan once more." We spent another 15 minutes reciting the plan to each other and adjusting it to make sure it was a good plan and that it will work. That continued until Hermione and I both couldn't stop yawning so we went up to bed.


I can't believe Hermione is going to do it, she will actually do it.


The morning came quickly and before we knew it we were walking down to the Great Hall.

"You excited then?"

"Yes!" She said enthusiastically.

"Haha, you ready, so its early so not many teachers will be up yet."

"Okay." She sat with her back facing the Slytherin table, I was opposite so I could give her the thumbs up when Pansy arrived.

It wasn't that long until Pansy and Malfoy walked in, arms linked. I put my thumb up and Hermione took a couple of deep breaths and stood up.

I did too and began to walk, or slow jog around the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, Pansy!" Pansy turned around at her name being called.

"What?" She asked, confused as to which person called her name. "Ah, its the Mudblood, what?"

"You've been the one making rumours, you low life git."

Hermione then swung her arm round, her fist was clenched and that fist went straight into Pansy's face.

"Go Hermione!" I called. At this point a whole group of students gathered around to see what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Pansy spoke, shocked.

"Well, that was for making up the rumours about me having sex with Draco for starters."

Hermione lifted her arm back up and hit Pansy again, this time in her nose.

"That's for me and Neville, you know 'my next victim'."

"How'd you know about that, you filthy mudblood."

"Maybe you should check the toilets before you start." Hermione smiled and walked off, I followed as I chuckled at Pansy's bleeding nose.

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