Chapter 9:

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15th May 1995:

Me and Hermione took a walk down to the lake, we talked and never were there any awkward a silences. We had gotten used to each others company and loved it.


"Harry, do you still write it that diary?" she asked as she took the brown book out of my hand.

"Yes, I do, can I have it back? Please?"

"Oh, alright. You're right by the way." I looked up at her.

"About what?"

"I love your company." She smiled wide and wrapped her arms around my neck. I put mine around her waist and we enjoyed the embrace.

"Harry, Draco has been asking for me back."

"What did you say?"

"I said no, but he said that he shouldn't have to ask."

"Why, I'm your boyfriend."

"He said that he never knew it was official. I mean you didn't really ask me, we have just been hanging out and-"

"And we kiss and hug and hold hands, like other couples do. I thought we both knew we were more then friends and I never knew I had to ask you, after the first kiss I thought it was official."

"I'm sorry. You're right. People see it differently as you are dating me, there has been no rumours I had sex with you, so no one knows we are together."

"That's crazy, we don't need to have sex to know we are a couple."

"I know, I completely understand. Harry the Hogsmeade trip is coming up though."

"What? Hermione no!"


"This is going to sound bad, but I don't want to have sex with you right now." Hermione looked at me with her mouth slightly open.

"Harry, I didn't mean it like that. I was just wondering whether you wanted to come with me?"

"Oh, right. Yeh of course, you are my girlfriend."

"I am! And Harry, I'm not ready so I wouldn't have asked. Sorry if I was unclear."

"Its okay."

"Who did you have your first kiss with?" I asked, curious.

"It was Draco. And you?"

"It was you."

"Aww, that's cute, I thought you'd have loads of girls at your feet."

"Nope and if they were I was ignoring them. I would have been writing about a girl instead."

"Oh, in the diary."

"Yes in the diary." She giggled and I kissed her soft lips.


A week past and we were headed off to Hogsmeade. Ron and Lavender joined us, it wasn't long since they got back together.

"Hi, Ron, Lavender." Me and Hermione greeted them at the entrance.

"Hi, me and Won Won are going to the three broomsticks, wanna come?" Lavender asked.

"Erm, sure." Hermione said. I took hold of Hermione's hand and we walked down to Hogsmeade with Lavender and Ron.

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