Chapter 2:

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13th February 1993:

I went to look for Hermione, I was worried. Ron blamed it on me liking her, which isn't true. She's a friend and I haven't seen her since last night and it is worrying. Malfoy could have done anything or Pansy.

I searched all over the castle. I even walked around the lake and didn't find her. It was strange. And I'm writing this as I search. And now I'm going to stop writing to search.


I closed my diary and stood up. Where would Hermione be? I've searched everywhere, but the Quidditch pitch, why would she be there? there is no game or practice that I'm aware off, I went to check anyway.

"Hermione!" I spotted a tiny speck in the stands and knew it must have been her. The Slytherins were practising and she was there to support or wait for Malfoy.

"Hi." She said as she waved.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"Oh, I was just reading and Draco asked me to come."

"Oh right. What happened yesterday?"

"Nothing really. Just hate that Pansy girl you know."

"I do too." I smiled and watched her smile too.

"You like Slytherin?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Not really. Draco told me after the sorting he knew I wasn't going to be in Slytherin. He told me it was because I was a Mudblood."

"He called you that!" I almost screamed.

"Its okay. I told him not too, Pansy says it all the time though."

"You should punch her, do it Muggle style."

"I remember, you were brought up in the muggle world."

"Yeh. I hate my Aunt and Uncle and Cousin."

"Well, I haven't met them or anything so I can't cast my opinion. Draco is watching us." I spun around to see Malfoy perched on his broom, his grey eyes upon us.

"He thinks I fancy you." She smiled.

"And do you?" I asked shyly

"I don't know." She turned and looked at me. "I like you as a good friend. I mean who else would come and sit with me when their enemy is practising Quidditch."

"Well, you are my friend and you was alone, I thought you could do with some company."

"That's very kind. Its getting colder, would you like to go to the library with me." I looked up at her.

"But what about Malfoy?"

"Draco will understand." She emphasised his name and I instantly knew I should call him by his first name when around Hermione.

"Well only if you are sure."

"Oh C'mon." She grabbed my hand and almost dragged me out of the Quidditch pitch.


13th February 1993:

Well, I'm back and well today was great. The truth is I like Hermione, she is an amazing girl and I would like to get to know her, but she said we are good friends. So I will keep it good friends.

We had one of our long talks today which I enjoyed much more than watching Ron and Lavender eat each others faces.

Hermione is really down to earth and I don't get how she could be friends with Malfoy!

She loves him and it is annoying, he's nothing, he acts brave and big, but when he's faced in a real situation he chickens out.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.


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