Ch7: Closure?

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We arrived at her home. As I stand infront of it I couldn't help but to be mesmerized by the beauty, "You own this?" I asked out of the blue.

"Well yes. A token from my hardwork. All thanks to you." She said and smiled at me. I got confused all of a sudden, why me? "Uhm, please get inside?"

I followed her inside and got greeted by a dog. Which was a nice one. I gave it a light pet and went inside. She prepared few drinks and snacks. This might be long enough based on her complimentary foods. "How are you anyway?" she asked.

She seemed mature in some cases, I can't help but to admire her for that. "Well, I've been doing well. I got myself a license and a stable job and I work as a model for a clothing line as well. You?" I took some of her cupcakes and ate them. She's really perfect in every way, why did I let her slip away? I can't hear a thing she says, I am just focusing on the beauty infront of me. She set a standard for me. She set my heart for her. She kept me for a long time without her knowing she did.

"Hey? Shandy? Are you even listening?" I was caught off guard by the question. I sheepishly smiled and scratch my head. "Im sorry I was pre-occupied. What is it again?" I saw her sighed and cough a little. "Okay back to our topic, the reason why I left."

I managed to fix myself and remained myself calm to listen, "So I happened to see Clara's name it was craved in a tree. If I remember it right, Clara loves Shandy was written on it. Being immature that time I had this shower of doubts and overthinking." She shrugged, "then I decided to leave. I had to admit I didn't know how to handle things that well. I was too overwhelmed by the thought of being with you, " giving a deep sighed she finished her sentence, "...being your love. And vice versa."

So that's the reason, "Actually as I recall the time, nothing really had happened to us. I was just touring, you're just being so nice to me. But the difference is that we had this thing called roleplay world and everything was blurred." she added. I was about to mutter a word but nothing really went out, she smiled bitterly, "I never thought we would end up like this and have this kind of commitments inside us. I actually didn't expect you to be here. I hope this clears up your mind and for the both of us."

I sighed, "Im sorry." was the words I am dying to say throughout these years. "You don't have to." she answered. "I am the one who has to be sorry. I'm sorry if I caused you too much pain. Im sorry if I had to leave just for that childish reason. But looking at the bright side, we got ourselves life that we never imagined right? They say some flowers grow when they are apart and some when they are with each other." She once again smiled at me, this time with a peaceful eyes, "For us we grew better apart."

"You matured beautifully." I said and that sent some blush on her cheeks. God knows how I missed her like that. "But, Geenina may I ask you a question?" She nodded and motions me to go on. "Do you like Matteo? Or love him?"

She bit her lower lip, "Well, he was courting me for quite long time now. I had to admit I am growing some feelings for him," then she looked at me, "But nothing compares to my feelings towards you back then. And it hasn't changed a bit." It once again caught me off guard. She still likes me. Despite for the efforts Matteo is giving, she still likes me. "But that doesn't mean I am up for you okay? It's just that I wanted to be honest. Matteo knew about this. And he's cool with it."

"I understand." I said. After that Veronica called me.

"What?! You're with Geenina?! Oh gee! Let me see her!" Veronica shouted on the other line. "Okay okay calm your ass." I switched camera mode to the front cam for Veronica. "Geenina!" She shouted. That startled Geen and was shocked seeing Veronica. "Veronica! Oh my gosh you cut your hair?!" She also shouted and snatched my phone from me.

They had a good time conversing non stop. Geen walked towards me and hand me my phone. "Why finally, thank you. You had fun?" I sarcastically asked. She just gave me this face and chuckled. "I am taking my you matured beautifully line. You didn't changed a bit." And that earned a good laugh from her. "Why did you call anyway?" I asked turning myself for Veronica. She clapped, "Bravo! You're getting you way to Geenina's heart once again!" Geenina heard it and shouted, "As if!"

I chuckled by the response, "So what are you up to really?" Veronica shows me her flight ticket bound to Philippines by tomorrow. "Im flying there tomorrow! We have a shoot at Cebu for the Summer collection." I internally shouted no due to my schedule at the hospital. Geenina sat beside me to eavesdrop. "You can come too, Geen!" Veronica said. "I'll think of it." Geen answered. "Such a kill joy!"

"How about my hospital work?" Veronica gave me a mischievous look, "I already called your hospital and they're going to talk to you tomorrow as well on the deliberations. Don't worry."

After the call I decided to go home. The closure really helped me to be myself again. To gain so much for myself again. Whatever happens, happens. Right Geenina?

To: Ms. Marquez
Thank you. It helped me a lot. See you around. Goodnight.

A few minutes later before I go to sleep she replied.

From: Ms. Marquez
No worries. Goodnight, Shan. :)

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