1: Finding Out

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Lucy's POV
I could feel my vision getting blurry at the words I heard the doctor say. Pregnant? I tried to wrap my head around it, tried to make it make sense, but I couldn't. "Lucy!" Levy yelled at me. As I lost conscious I remember my friends. Erza, Mira, Levy, Gray, and Juvia looking at me. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty that I let it happen to me. Guilty that I caused pain to my nakama. I hope this feeling goes away.

Levy's POV
I smack Gray on the side of his head. "You Baka! Why would you bring it up!" I yell angrily. "Don't you dare harass my dear Gray~Sama!" Juvia yells back. I squint at her angrily, then look back at poor Lucy, whose passed out because of shock. Oh lu~chan, I think, please, be strong.

Lucy's POV
I wake up and see Levy looking at me with worried eyes. "Levy.." I murmur. I look around and see that it's just us. I look back at Levy and see her avoiding eye contact. It's because of me isn't it I tell myself. It's because I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't say no, I couldn't say stop. I try to bite back the tears. Levy then starts to talk. "You know Luce, you can tell me anything, right?" I can't hold back the tears anymore. I bite my lip and look down. I slowly nod as a tear falls down my cheek. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want too." Levy looks at me with sincere eyes. I have to tell someone. "I know, b-but I'll tell you anyways." I sniff.

"On that fateful night I remember. I told Natsu how I felt. I told him that I loved him. And that was true, I did love him with all my heart, but-" I pause as more tears started to fall. "I never wanted to do that with him. However.." *flashback to event* "I didn't have it in my heart to tell him. I didn't want to break his heart. So, I just closed my eyes and wished for it to go all away. That didn't happen though." I chuckle sadly. "Oh Lu.." Levy says with tears eyes. "It hurt, Levy. The pain.... it was unbearable." Levy pulls me into a hug as I sob into her chest. "It's okay Lu, your safe now." Levy whispers. I just cry away in her arms. It feels nice though, to let out all these emotions. It comforted me, told me I wasn't alone. I liked that. "I won't let him hurt you like this again."

"So what are we going to do now?" Gray asks. "Well we're obviously going to need a better hiding spot." Mira retorts. "No need." I say softly. All the eyes in the room turn on me. " I was planning to leave the guild anyways." Everyone in the room is in shock. "But Lucy, you can't! We're your family!" Mira exclaims. "No way in hell! You're one of our own, you can't just disappear on us Lucy!" Gray angrily yells. Everyone starts to voice their opinions as I look down at my guild mark, My hands flat on my thigh in fists. I can feel myself trembling. "Enough!" I hear a familiar red head yell. Erza.. "Don't you see her trembling ? Don't you see her tears? Do you think she wants this? She loves fairy tail, and we know she does, but at the end of the day, she has to make the decisions for her baby, not us. She knows what's right and what's wrong." Erza commands as she lays her hand on my shoulder. "Lucy, I trust you. I know you'll make the right choice." I sniff and nod slowly. "I'm sorry. I just can't. I can't face him. Not again. Not now." I say. "Then where would you settle?" Mira asks. "I'll find a place. I'll be-" I start but get interrupted by a sharp pain in my stomach. I wince. "Lucy!" Mira and Levy yell. "I'll be fine." I manage to say. They frown at me. "I'll go with you." I hear Levy murmur. "I'll make sure you get there safely. I could hide from Gajeel till the season is over too." She explains. "Then I'm coming as well." Mira mentions. I nod in tears. Why do I have such amazing friends?

Natsu's POV
I want her. I want to breathe in her sweet scent. I want to hear her. I must have her, I will have her.

Ye that's it bois baiiiii

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