12: Revolting

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"What do you have to say for yourselves." Aunt Erza yells as Reiki, Storm, and I flinch. "S-sorry (Aunt Erza/Mom)" We stutter. Uncle Gray and Dad laugh. "I remember when we were in their shoes." Dad chuckles. "Yeah, good luck to them." Uncle Gray laughs. "We're right here." We state, ticked off. I roll my eyes and walk over to my father, who has just needed his conversation with Gray. "So when are we going to retry the mission?" I grin. "We?" Daddy furrows his eyebrows. "Yeah, are we not doing it?" I frown. "Well, I'm doing it.." "Really! No fair! I want to come! I want to prove that I'm ready to use my powers and go on actual missions!" I pout. "Nash, your only 4; there's only so much you can do." Daddy pats my head. "No fair! Just because I'm little doesn't mean I can't fight!" I ball my fist. "Oh really?" Natsu smirks. "Knock me out of my seat and maybe then I'll consider it." I grin. "Alright here it goes! Fire Dragon Iron-" Daddy holds my fist, putting the fire out. "Hey! I can't hit you!" I frown. "Exactly my point, you cant land a hit on me. Its final." Daddy ends the sentence with a scary voice. I cross my arms. "Whatever! I'll do my own training, and prove I'm better!" I spat. "Okay..." My Dad says, unsure of my statement. I march away. "That bastard! I'll show him!" I grumble. 

Natsu leaves in two days, and I've spent the past three trying to convince him to go. However, he cuts me off by saying. "Its too late" and "I've already talked to Mira and Erza about babysitting you." I tried asking my aunts, but they glorified my Dad's Idea, saying it's a "perfect opportunity to get the kids together" this makes me even more mad. I'll find my way around it Pops, just  you wait.

Its the night of Daddies departure. All the kids including Storm, Little Rin and Slyvia, Reiki, Little Rosemary, Emma, Little Gale, Raiden, and Little Nova. All the other kids were playing while the adults, Aunt Mira, Aunt Erza, Aunt Levy, Aunt Juvia, and Auntie Wendy were talking in the kitchen. I frowned. "Hey, Nashi?" I turn around to see Storm looking at me. "I'm... sorry about earlier this week. I didn't know it would hurt you that much." He looks down. I smirk. "Is Storm getting soft?" "N-No! I just wanted to apologize, that's all! Don't get used to it!" Storm has light pink on his cheeks. It kind of reminds me of the petals on the special trees. "Okay!" I chuckle. "Thanks." I kiss his cheek. The petals on his cheeks turn red and he scurries away. I laugh as I hear Aunt Mira in the corner. "OMG! Its a new ship!"

As night falls, most of the kids fall asleep. The adults kiss us their good-nights and close the door, it opened ever so slightly. I cant sleep as I think about my mother. I cant just let my father leave like this! And who knows how long! 

I sit up. Everyone is asleep and the adults are still chatting in the kitchen. An idea pops into my head. I quietly get up and lift the window sill sneakily. I hear shuffling around me, which causes me to quicken the pace of my escape. "Hey, what are you doing?" I freeze and turn around, only to take a breath of relief; it was just Raiden in his sleep. Thank goodness. 

I finally lift the window up wide enough for me to get through. I grab the small bag I took with me with clothes and jump on the window sill. I take one last look at all the kids as I jump down. I look at the building of Aunt Mira's house, then run away; with the intent of finding my father. 

I reach his house. I see the lights still on. Good! He still hasn't left yet! I peak in the window and see him and Happy packing a bag. They close it and head into another room. I use this and slowly open the window. I crawl through it and open the bag. I can hear my Dad and Happy talking about their first stop and where to look. I try and think fast. Then I look at the bag. I open it and see enough space for me to fit it. Perfect!

I jump in and close it, just in time for Natsu and Happy to walk back in. "Huh? I thought I closed it?" My heart races as I feel Natsu about to open the bag and blow my cover. Just as he's about to uncover me, he closes it. "Meh, probably nothing. You ready Happy?" He asks the blue cat. "Aye Sir!" I feel myself being lifted and try to conceal my squeal. Luckily for me, I do. I feel Daddy turn off the lights and step into the night. I feel at home, the bag on Natsu's back. I fall asleep, feeling comforted my Dad's warmth. 

Woaowowoah double upload! Hope u enjoy, baiii

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