14: Oshibana Nostalgia

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Nashi's POV

We decided to take the train to Oshibana, the place that the lady was talking about yesterday. It took awhile with me having to drag my father thanks to his sickness; but we made it on time. 

When we got off the train and into the station, Daddy started to look around, as if in deep thought. I wondered what he was thinking about?

It was a busy city, with people buzzing everywhere, markets trying to advertise, travelers trying to sight see. Of course, this caused Daddy to be over-protective after he had 'healed', but it made me even more excited to explore the beautiful town. 

"There's a food place here Nashi, do you want to stop there first to see if there would be any information?" Natsu asks excitedly. "Why can't we just ask around now? There are people around?" I explain. Daddy sulks and mumbles something about food before regathering himself. "There would be locals there. And they could tell us if they've seen someone they don't normally see passing through." He nods. "I guess that's a good idea." I shrug. Father does a silent victory pump behind my back before standing in a serious manner. "Y-yeah. Great choice." He hides his excitement. I giggle as I take his hand and walk closer to the restaurant. 

"Thos fod is saa gad.." Daddy speaks with his mouth full. I, on the other hand eat slowly. "Do we even have enough money for this Daddy?" I ask. "Mngh.. Dant warry abut et.." I sigh in annoyance. 

The waitress comes up to the table. "Is everything good?" She asks. "Yeah. We're fine." I answer for my father. She nods. Just as she's about to walk away I grab her attention. "H-Hey, Miss?" I stutter, a little nervous to be talking to an adult. She turns around. "Have you seen a blond lady walk through this town?" I ask. She looks up in thought. "Now that I think about it I have. She actually came by here to eat a few days ago. She looked rather distraught, I wonder why." The waiter responds. "That's great! Did she tell you where she was heading?" I ask eagerly. "Sorry little miss, she didn't. I did hear her talking about the Grand Magic Games though. Apparently she used to be in them, could you believe it?" The waitress says. "Yeah that's her! I guess we have another clue, thanks lady!" I grin. 

The waiter nods. "Oh and before I forget, here's the bill!" My father finishes and takes it. His eyes go out of its sockets. "I- uh.." he freezes. "I'm sorry about my Dad! He's really...  childish." I roll my eyes. "Hey! Nashi" He pouts. The waiter shakes her head. "Its totally fine. On the house, for letting me chat with you. It's been awhile since I've had a decent chat with a customer" She winks at me. I gasp. "Really?! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I squeal hugging the waitress. She hugs me back. 

"Visit again, will you?" She asks as we stand outside the exit. "I promise! And trust me.." I show off my shoulder. 

"I'm a fairy tail wizard! And we never break our promises!" 

We headed back to our hotel in Clover. When we got inside, I immediately started to tell Daddy about the info I received.

"The waiter says she saw her! She overheard her talking about Crocus!" I yell excitedly. "Really, that's great! Now we have a lead. Want to leave tomorow?"

"Is that even a question?!"

"Yeah.. it is. I just asked you it." 

I facepalm. "Yes Dad, I want to leave tomorrow." I explain. "Great! In that case we should start packing." Daddy grins. "Aye sir!" I chuckle, imitating our feline friend. He was very annoying. "Where has he been lately anyways?" Natsu questions. "I'm right here!" Happy pops up from under the bed. "AGH! Where'd you come from?" I freak out. "Well, when my parents were in love, they-" "THATS ENOUGH HAPPY!" Daddy cuts Happy off. I was going to question what Happy wasn't going to say, but I decided to brush it off. 

"Happy! Stop leaving! We need you to help us!" I pout. "I know, I haven't done much, but I'll help now! I promise!" I smile as Happy lies on my head, falling asleep. I then put him on the couch and continue the boring task called packing. 

While packing, I remember what the waitress told me, about Mommy being in the Grand Magic Games. "Hey, Daddy?" I get his attention while packing. 


"Did Mommy ever participate in the Grand Magic Games in Crocus?" I ask. He chuckles. "Yeah, she did. We went one year together. We were on the same team before we combined in to one. Heck, we even won against all the challenges against us." Daddy smiles sadly. "What challenges?" I ask, curious to know more about the past. "Eh, it's nothing. You should probably head to bed kid, we have to wake up in the morning for-" He fake pukes before he can complete the sentence. "The train, I know." I sigh. Moving around a man way older than you is tough work! Maybe Happy can help this time.

"Good night Daddy!" I hug him before going to the couch, snuggling in with Happy. 

Tomorrow's going to be a long day.

Hope u enjoyed, <3  Sayonaraaa

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