6: Introductions

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Nashi's POV
I walk to the address  Master gave me. When I reach the place, I see a small house with red bricks and a dark brown wooden door. I knock and a blue haired girl opens the door. "It's you, Nashi!" She gasps. I look up at her, confused. "How do you know me?" The blue haired lady bends down to meet me. "Just know that your secret is safe with me." She smiles. I grin. "Anyways, the Master probably sent you here to have a place to live, correct?" I nod. "Okay, you can share a room with my daughter, Emma." She explains. She then invites me in. I look to see man with long black hair sitting on the couch, and a little girl my age with black hair too. "I'm Levy, the man is Gajeel, and the little girl over there is my daughter, Emma. I think you two would get along pretty well." Levy smiles. "Now, I was making dinner. Emma?" The black haired girl turns her head. "Yes mama?" "Show Nashi to her room." The girl nods and calls me over. "Thank you, auntie Levy." I grin. She gets taken aback a bit, then smiles back.

"So you lived here?" Emma asks. We've been looking at maps of Fiore while Aunt Levy makes dinner. "Yeah! There are a lot of flowers there. It's really pretty during the spring." I say. "I remember going there! It was when Daddy was in the games. I wish I could live there, it's so pretty!" She exclaims. "Girls! Dinners ready!" We squeal and run into the dining room. Aunt Levy places down a bowl of spaghetti. "Mmmm." I say, as I stuff my face with the my pasta.

The next day comes by quickly and next thing you know, I'm back at the guild. I'm about to go looking for my father when the master calls me from his office. I walk in and see a lady with long white hair. She's holding a stamp in her left hand. "You wanted to become a guild member, did you not?" The Master asks. I grin and run over to the lady. "Why hello there miss. Who might you be?" The lady asks. "I'm Nashi Dr- Downheart" I stutter, remembering that I can't give away my true identity. I'm like a spy now, heh. The lady looks at me curiously. "Well alright Nashi... where would you like your mark?" The lady asks. I point to my right shoulder. "Pink!" I yell. "Like my hair!" The lady grins and stamps my right shoulder. I giggle. "Thank you miss!" I say. "It's Mira." She smiles. I grin and run out the door, eager to find my father and show him my new guild mark.

I run out the door in a hurry, causing me to not see who's in front of me. We collide and I fall on the floor. "Agh" I grab my head. When my vision clears, I see a boy about my age with Smokey blue hair. He fell too. He looks up at me and scowls. "Hey! Watch where your going Pinkie!" I frown. How could someone be so rude! "Same to you, Droopy Eyes!" I yell as I get up. Jeez, such a jerk! I scowl in my head as I walk down the stairs. Before I can growl more, I see a hint of pink hair leaving out the door.  Dad!

I rush out of the guild doors frantically. I look ahead and see my father not too far ahead. I run faster. "Hey! Mister! Wait!" I pant. He stops to my luck, and I'm able to catch up to him. "Oh, it's you." He says, simply. I nod, not knowing what to say. I've been wanting to see him all this time! How do I not have anything to say?!? "Did you find your mother?" He questions. "Y-Yes? I mean no!" I stutter. He raises an eyebrow. "I did, but I ran away." I manage to say. "What? Why?" "I wanted to explore Magnolia, and live with you?" My Dad freezes. "M-me? But why? What about your mother? Does she even know your doing this?" He stutters. "I... um.." poop! I screwed this up! Think Nashi Think! "Okay I lied. I'm an orphan!" I say. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" "B-because I was afraid!" "Afraid of?" I take a deep breath. "Afraid of what you would think. I just w-wanted to escape to somewhere nice, a-and get away from the o-orphanage." I lie. I don't understand how people are so good at this! "So, you want to live with me?" He asks. "Y-yeah just for a little while! I just wanna see Magnolia for awhile." My Dad chuckles. "Sure kid. What's your name again?" I grin. "Nashi. Nashi Downheart."

Yeah sorry I have slow updates but whatever. K see u bai

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