2: Making a Run for It

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Lucy's POV
Levy, Mira and I put on our cloaks. We walk to the train station sneakily and board the train to my new home, Crocus. (Is that how you say it? GMG place) We walk to our destination, the palace. After awhile, we finally find the throne room and see the King, Princess Hisui (halp), and Archadios. "Who goes there!" King Toma yelps. We lift the hoods of our cloaks. "Lucy? What brings you here?"

Natsu's POV
We finally see the guild in sight. Without warning, Laxus, Gajeel, and I barge in. We can't smell the girls, so we decide to ask the guild, with force.

"Where are the girls." Laxus booms. Erza walks up to him. "You'll never find them, and we'll never tell." Laxus signals to us, and we start to wreck the guildhall. "Not even if you have no guildhall left?" Laxus chuckles. But Erza stands still. "We don't need a guildhall. We have each other, and that's all we really need. Right Natsu?" I look up at Erza. Right there is when I'm about to explode, I wanted to rip her head off, torture her for coming between Me and Lucy. (Natsu's grammar not mine) But Laxus stops me. "We'll come back later, when they come back. They can't stay away for long." He smirks. I grumble, but start to leave with him. "Shut up you idiot. You already got your fun." Gajeel grumbles. I smirk and walk away. See you next time, Luce.

Lucy's POV
After I finish explaining everything to Princess Hisui in private, she sends me a look of sympathy. " Oh Lucy, I had no idea! I'm so sorry." I smile sadly. "It's fine. It's not your fault." I look down. I seem to do that a lot lately. "I just came to ask you if I could please stay with you for awhile, till the baby's born. I can't stay at fairy tail, I'm not safe there with Natsu. I promise that I'll be helpful! I'll do the laundry and clean the place. I'll even cook for you. Just please let me stay here." I plead. Hisui smiles. "Of course you can! You don't have to work here to live." She grins. "Thank you for your kindness Princess Hisui, but I have to! It just doesn't seem right for me to just intrude and not do anything!" I frown. "Just think of it as a debt repaid. I still owe you for the eclipse gate, and the celestial world too. I don't want to put you in stress, you don't need that. Your expecting a child! All that matters is that your safe and happy." She smiles. I can feel tears pool in my eyes and I whisper to her. "Your too kind, Princess."

Erza's POV
The dragon slayers came again. They wrecked the place a little, but it wasn't hard to clean up. I sigh as I look at the door. If Mira and Levy were here, they would've been gone. Dammit! I curse in my head. (Xscuse me) Why can't we beat them? Why can't I protect them? "I know what just happened isn't good but sitting around here and mopping isn't going to get us anywhere!" (C)ana yells angrily, breaking my train of thought. "What are we supposed to do then?" Gray glares at Cana. "I have plan." I hear someone from behind me say.

I look up to the dark night sky, leaning on the rail of the balcony on the second level of the guild. The cold, wintery air causes me to see my breath. I wonder about the plan that Crime Sorciere gave us, as Jellal approaches me outside the guild. "Still worried about the plan?" He asks gently. " I sigh as my scarlet hair floats in the cold wind. "No it's not that, I'm worried about Lucy. She has to raise a child all on her own you know." I look down. "And it's all because we couldn't protect her." Jellal wraps his arms around my waist. "Mistakes happen. It shows that we're human. As long as it wasn't on purpose, it's okay. And Lucy's a strong lady, I bet she could handle it." Jellal softy says. His comforting voice tells me it will be alright. "Thank you, Jellal." He smiles gently as I turn around and press my back against the railing to face him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he leans in and kisses me. I smile. We kiss for a few more seconds before I break the kiss, grinning and blushing softly. "Are you sure your fiancé would be okay with us doing this?" I giggle. Jellal frowns playfully. "Will you ever stop teasing me about that?" "No" I giggle as I kiss him again. I'm so lucky to have him.

Added sum jerza hope ur happy and byyyyyeee

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