9: Expect the Unexpected

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Nashi's POV
I blink my eyes. As I lay in the hammock Daddy gave me, I wonder what it would be like if I stayed. Would Mommy be less worried? Would Daddy finally be happy? I don't know.

I sigh and slowly move out of the hammock. I tip toe quietly past Daddy's door. I look at him. He's fast asleep with happy lying near his feet. I couldn't help but chuckle at how calm they were. I walked in slowly and walked up to Daddy. The more I look at it, our faces look so much alike!

I glance at the two one more time before running of into the sunset, ready to see Mommy again.


I run to the alley with a cloak over me. I never had a lot of stuff, so the stuff I did have I left at Daddy's place. Plus, I was positive that I would be able to see him again; I just had to convince Mommy. Then maybe we could be a happy family.

I reach the alley and look around. "Mommy?" I half-yell. "Where are you? I'm here!" I walk around more, but still see no sign of Mommy anywhere. "It's me, Nashi! Your daughter..." I start to tear up. What if she forgot about me?  I wonder. What if she has a new child?  I shake my head to try and rid my mind of these thoughts, but I can't help it. I feel as though something wrong has happened. 

A rustle near a nearby box causes me to shift my focus. I carefully walk towards the box, trying not to make a sound. I then carefully but quickly lift the box. A rat runs from inside. "Eww, gross." I scrunch my face in disgust. I look closer at the area the box was in and see a small paper with the words 'Nashi' on it. "Huh?" I question as I pick up the paper. I turn it around and see a small message written on the back.

My Dearest Nashi,

I'm sorry for leaving you here, but it was important. I see the way you interact with the members of Fairy Tail. I know you love them, and how hard it must be to leave them after only spending time with them for about a month. The life we live back in Crocus is a nice life, but not as good as the life you could live here in Fairy Tail. I want you to experience that, and fall in love with it like I did. So, I've decided to disappear. You'll probably never see me again. I know your sad, but this would be better for you. I love you with all my heart and I'll never stop thinking about you.

Love you so much,

Mommy, Lucy Heartfillia

I look down at the letter, now dotted in wet spots from my tears. I crumble the paper in my hands. "Mommy!" I yell and start running into the forest. "Mommy! Come back! I need you!" I trip on a tree branch and scrape my knee, but I don't care. I keep running. "You can't leave me!" I drop to my knees. "You promised..." I whimper. I pull my knees close and put my head in my arms. I sit there for awhile and just cry, letting all my tears and emotions out. 

After awhile of sobbing in silence, I lift my head and look around. I start to wander aimlessly. I eventually come across a small lake. I stare at it, and walk closer. I take off my boots and dangle my feet in the water, allowing the coolness to flow between my toes. I sigh and look into the water. Was I too ugly for Mommy? Is that why she abandoned me?  I pout and kick the water with my legs, causing ripples to form. I step away and find a nearby tree. I look at the river as I fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open and I see the sky turning orange. I look closer and see that the sun is starting to go down. Have I really been gone that long? I wonder. I shrug my shoulders and use my nose to go back and find my father, my family. The only family that I had left.

Natsu's POV

I bang my head on the wall. "How could I have lost her?" I curse myself. Mira pats my back. "Natsu, I know your worried, but beating yourself over it isn't going to help you."  "She's only four Mira, she can't survive on her own!" I grumble. "Flame Brain has a point, she can't exactly live a whole 24 hours alone.." Gray states. "But where would we look? We've already searched Magnolia, she's not here. Plus, if she was, Natsu and Wendy would be able to smell her, which means....." Erza starts. "No, she can't be dead. Natsu and I may not be able to smell super far, but death is not you average smell." Wendy states. "Well then, all we can do is hope.." Levy starts. "Don't worry Natsu," Erza says. "Nashi is a strong girl, she'll be okay." 

After awhile, the doors slowly creak open. A girl with pink hair and a dark blue cloak walks in. "I-I'm back."she stutters. "Nashi!" We all rush towards her and tackle her in a group hug. "I'm sorry." Nashi mumbles. "There's no need to apologize, we're just happy that your safe." Erza says softly. We pull away and notice a scar on one of her knees. "Nashi! Your hurt! Let me help." Wendy uses her healing magic and heals Nashi's scraped knee. "T-thank you, Auntie.." 

There's something about Nashi's face that tells me she's worked up about something, but I decide to let it be. We thank everyone, and head home in silence. Happy went home early, 'to check if Nashi was still there'. Although I knew he was just tired. We did spend the whole day looking after all. 

We get home and I tear off my vest. I throw it on the floor and flop down on my hammock, trying to clear my mind. Sooner or later, I fall asleep.

Nashi's POV

I watch my Daddy walk in his room and plop on the hammock he sleeps in. I frown, and walk outside, towards the back of the house. Daddy set up another hammock out here for me, and I use it when I like to be alone. I look up at the sky. "You know, he's just worried about you." I hear Happy whisper. "I know I just.." I feel tears starting to form in the corner of my eyes. I try to hold them in, but it's too late. Happy can see. "Nashi, your not acting like yourself. What happened?" I hand happy the note that I still held in my hand and turn around. 

It takes a moment for Happy to realize what's happening. You mean, your L-" "Shhhhhh!" I cut Happy off. Happy understands and hands me the note back. "So whose your father?" Happy asks, now curious that his old friend found love. I sigh and nod towards the house. Happy freezes. "No way!" "SHHHHHH!" "Oops, sorry. Who knows?" 

I explain to Happy what Mommy told me and who knows. He nods. "Your secret is safe with me." I hug the blue cat. He snuggles closer to me as I hold him, slowly drifting off to sleep. 

Haven't updated in awhile, so I gave you a long chapter, yw! Hope you enjoy! luv u, bai. <3

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